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单词 penny 例句大全,用单词penny造句:

Audrey said her new television was worth every penny she paid it.
I'm just dropping off that band candy your mom bought from Penny.
I'm just an ordinary businessman, trying to earn an honest penny.
Penny has been absent from work for two days and I don't know why.
He has bled me white over the years!I won't pay him another penny.
This blunder, which is due to my ignorance, costs me a pretty penny.
You can blot out the sun if you hold a penny close enough to your eye.
From the day you arrive at my house, you need not spend a single penny.
This blunder, which is due to my ignorance, has cost me a pretty penny.
这次疏忽是由于我的无知, 使我损失了不少钱。
He had a piece of bread, a rough shirt, two pairs of socks and a penny.
Track every penny you spend so that you become aware of your weaknesses.
She would grudge a penny even to the poorest beggar, ie She is very mean.
He has a canny bit land of his own, and need not look on two sides of a penny.
The legal system and practices that aim at devouring every penny of the clients
In three months, the twins will be chainsmoking and Penny will be an alcoholic.
The tires on the old Chevy had the consistency of penny balloons and began to leak.
而旧雪佛来的轮胎又有硬币大小的气孔, 开始漏气。
I fear just now his Majesty is both sick and sorry, and never a penny in his pouch to boot
Papa said they lived there to be close to the oldfashioned penny candy counter in the store.
爸爸说, 住在那离商店里卖老式糖果的柜台近一些。
She looked confused for a moment, then suddenly the penny dropped and she burst out laughing.
Even though he was rich, he did not want to lose a dollar, a quarter, or even a penny to anyone.
虽然有钱, 他不想失去一分一厘。
Individual in the department would not have authority to spend a single penny for entertainment!
Sometimes they formed little bands with tin drums and penny whistles and paraded around the streets.
有时他们敲起锡皮鼓, 吹起小笛子, 组成小乐队游街。
Brushstroke of every months is small investment, many a little makes a mickle, penny also can greaten money.
每月的一笔小额投资, 积少成多, 小钱也能变大钱。
Don't chase the love door that I bum out you outside, my penny is a love which can't is in need of you, either.
Forbidding private phone calls in the office cannot really reduce the companys expenses its just being penny wise and pound foolish.

单词 penny 释义

  • 单词释义:便士;(美国、加拿大的)一分钱;少量的钱  [更多..]



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