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单词 peaceful 例句大全,用单词peaceful造句:

Really, the green is a peaceful symbol, is the body of athletics spirit now in the demonstration.
的确, 绿色是和平的象征, 是体育精神的体现于展示。
He must not be addicted to wine or quarrelsome, but gentle and peaceful, and not a lover of money.
This year, Germany is celebrating the 23th anniversary of the peaceful revolution in East Germany.
今年,德国正在庆祝前东德 和平革命25周年
Reason again simple, Arab League peaceful not strange to the Arab League Germany's tactical system!
原因再简单不过了, 阿泰对阿德的战术体系并不陌生!
After the retreat ended, a peaceful and serene ambiance still could be felt strongly at the campsite.
Freedom of peaceful assembly and association are established in articles22 and23 of the Constitution.
Often death is portrayed as a state of transition leading to a state of peaceful and eternal afterlife.
她经常把死亡描绘成一种向和平的, 永恒的来世过渡的情形。
Furthermore, the Constitution of Afghanistan supports the right to peaceful protests and demonstrations.
Duke Huan appointed Guan Zhong the chief minister, and yet the state of Qi was not peaceful and orderly.
桓公任命管仲作上卿, 可是齐国还不太平。
We should act in accordance with the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and never deviate from them.
按和平共处五项原则办事, 在原则立场上把握住。
The conclusion of such a peaceful reunification is something that must be upheld by the General Assembly.
We welcome pastors or ministers to make advance booking for the enjoyment of a peaceful and wholesome space.
欢迎牧师或传道人申请预订, 进入宁静而丰富的空间。
During the long years, people of the village have lived a peaceful life and stood aloof from worldly strife.
在漫长的岁月里, 人们过着与世无争的平静生活。
Therefrom, under the peaceful outside of the frames appear springing up as undercurrent and full of tension.
If the time is prefer always accordingly peaceful and, the this present life doesn't garbage a degree as well.
Human society will need the spirit of kindheartedness to achieve peaceful existence and harmonious development.
The change in Government was carried out in a peaceful atmosphere and within the framework of the Constitution.
Outer space belongs to all mankind, and the peaceful use of outer space is the common aspiration of all humanity.
外层空间属于全人类, 和平利用外空是全人类的共同愿望。
A lawenforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity said the demonstration has remained largely peaceful.
一位不愿具名的警官说, 示威活动大体上还比较平静。
One cannot show high ideals without simple living; one cannot have lofty aspirations without a peaceful state of mind.
The peaceful nature of these transformations has been recognized internationally as a tremendous political achievement.
People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits aspire for a peaceful reunification of their motherland as early as possible.
Inshaallah, after elimination of israeli the world can experience a significantly less violent and more peaceful ambiance.
The agreement for the peaceful liberation of Tibet enjoyed the approval and support of the people from every ethnic group in Tibet.
The social security system for employees who have left or retired from their posts is gradually established. Its purpose is to allow the elderly to live a comfortable, and peaceful life.

单词 peaceful 释义

  • 单词释义:和平的;平和的;宁静的;寻求和平的  [更多..]



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