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单词 peace 例句大全,用单词peace造句:

Being the main beneficiaries of peace, they have to consolidate and strengthen peace.
He simply laid there, and as I looked into his eyes, I saw inner peace and acceptance.
The Committee seeks to achieve unanimity in its selection of the Peace Prize Laureate.
Who accelerates peace will gain respect while who makes the friction will gain disgust.
In Africa, enhanced efforts are being made to achieve peace, democracy and development.
It is only through dialogue and mutual accommodation that durable peace can be attained.
The Secretary of State met with foreign diplomats in order to achieve a peace offensive.
国务卿会见数位外交官, 以发起和平攻势。
? to achieve a state of peace, and disarmament through reallocation of military expenses.
Peace is not just the absence of war at the expense of the inalienable rights of the weak.
After all, peace and security in Africa are an integral part of global peace and security.
归根到底, 非洲的和平与安全是全球和平与安全的一部分。
Sinn Fein is accused each other of provoking incidents, in violation of the peace agreement.
People all over the world are demanding peace, and we too need peace for national construction.
争取和平是世界人民的要求, 也是我们搞建设的需要。
There may be nothing absolutely correct or incorrect, but only the quiet and peace in the heart.
The most important thing is that both leaders have reaffirmed their aspiration to achieve peace.
They say the peace process is so heavily weighted against them that it will never achieve results.
Preliminary peace negotiations have been undertaken, and the actual peace talks are currently under way.
Peace is one of the most valuable assets and safeguarding peace through dialogues is the most dependable.
他说, 和平最可贵, 通过对话争取和维护和平最可靠。
In 1992 a peace accord was signed, and the country's first democratic elections were held peacefully in 1994.
True happiness is Peace, a state of mind achieved through perceiving the Absolute Reality and freedom from Desire.
The international community is currently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity.
The Norwegian Government is committed to doing what it can in order to achieve durable peace and economic development.
Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.
The friendly banter indicated that with the peace in Vietnam signed, China could accelerate its move toward us without embarrassment.
Rather than ask for blessings of fortune and longevity, ask for the blessing of peace of mind. Peace of mind will spawn more blessings.
求福寿倒不如求平安, 平安就是添福寿。
From top to bottom the whole nation must at once abandon any idea of being able to live in submissive peace with the Japanese aggressors.

单词 peace 释义

  • 单词释义:和平;和平运动;宁静;平静;和谐  [更多..]



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