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单词 payoff 例句大全,用单词payoff造句:

Economics majors were more likely to go for the higher payoff, they found.
Even so dog cloning is a commercial opportunity with a nice research payoff.
After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the payoff
Payoff must invest, this policy had led to blind asset and equipment expansion.
Furthermore, costly punishment did not increase the average payoff of the group.
此外, 昂贵的惩罚不会增加群体的平均收益。
Millionaire entrepreneurs use these six secrets to guarantee an enviable payoff.
The buyer will easily see that she has to shade her bid to get a positive payoff.
This is a challenging task to achieve, but the long term payoff can be tremendous.
Your hard work and dedication will payoff, so stick to your guns and do your job well.
Cause of the protrusion of the cable inner end during payoff and solution to the problem
PAYOFF Increases blood flow to muscles, flushes waste from muscles, and speeds recovery.
回报促进肌内血液循环, 肌内排毒, 加速恢复。
PAYOFF Improves running economy, boosts weekly mileage, and provides a good fitness base.
回报提高跑步效益, 增加周里程, 健康筑基。
Determining the payoff of an elite education also depends on how you calculate the return.
精英教育回报的决定, 还取决于你如何计算这一回报。
Sometimes the payoff for the company offering the service disappears into the blur of words.
We try to work out on a regular basis, reminding ourselves that the payoff is well worth the effort.
我们试图找出一个定期提醒自己, 是值得努力的高潮。
The institutional framework dictates the kind of skills and knowledge perceived to have the maximum payoff.
The potential for riches was just an argument for the venture. But the real payoff was the pirate life itself.
财富只是冒险的理由之一, 真正的回报是海盗生活本身。
This paper discusses the mixed strategies and Nash Equilibrium of game theory with sequential payoff function.
The simple quantifiable structure of the model should enable access to an experimentally determined payoff matrix.
Acting on the hunch, I dumped my meager life savings about 9, 000 into the rareearths sector, and waited for the payoff.
于是凭直觉, 我用我可怜的积蓄买了稀土股, 等待回报。

单词 payoff 释义

  • 单词释义:报酬;结清,算清;发工资;结果,结局  [更多..]



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