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单词 pay 例句大全,用单词pay造句:

Why should I pay them equal pay for doing the same kind of work?
We pay too abundance for like the a letter of credit arrangement.
Payments for the houses are scaled to salary earners ability to pay.
I can't afford to pay that much right now. May I pay by installments
我现在一时付不起那么多钱, 我可以分期付款吗?
Is the cadre emeritus are pay and worker retired does pay differ big?
It's absolutely monstrous to pay men more than women for the same job.
男女同工而报酬男多于女, 简直太不像话了。
Severance pay and retirement pay for cadres, staff members and workers.
You may pay 0 rather than pay the echo cost for permanents you control.
Single people are treated as an aberration and made to pay a supplement.
Even when you decide to pay, the amount you pay is something you decide.
Salary freezes, pay cuts and lower starting pay became the norm in 2007.
薪酬冻结 接受降薪和更低得起薪在2009年成为了常态。
Salary freezes, pay cuts and lower starting pay became the norm in 2009.
薪酬冻结 接受降薪和更低的起薪在2009年成为了常态。
All the workers require a pay increase, eVery abundance man Jack of them.
A debtor who ceases to pay for debts due shall be presumed unable to pay.
债务人停止支付到期债务的, 推定为不能清偿。
US parents only have to pay them a fifth of what they pay local teachers.
If are absent from work due to illness, you may be able to claim sick pay.
如果你因病不能工作, 你也许可以要求获得病假工资。
To abuse plastic bag, please pay money each 2 dollar. Yup, spank them well!
若欲虐待胶带, 请缴费个2元
Base pay and variable pay are the most common forms of direct compensation.
A degree of ablaut. Pay attention to the drills in the English vowel sounds.
Those who pay for what they buy upon Credit, pay their Share of this Advance.
那些赊账购物的人, 得支付他们所应分担的这笔加码的价款。
It was absolutely ridiculous for her to accept that job for such a little pay.
Wages are composed of basic pay, part of pay for productivity and supplements.
So, it is absolutely right for Nomura to abandon its traditional pay practices.
Thats a good idea. But I hope Mr Abel could pay the bill out of his own pocket.
Should pay, that uncle extends the hand received that ablaze dermal package in.
该付钱了, 那叔叔将手伸进了那闪亮得真皮包里。

单词 pay 释义

  • 单词释义:付款;偿还;盈利;划算;付代价  [更多..]



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