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单词 parlor 例句大全,用单词parlor造句:

The soldier followed the king's daughters to the parlor for a nightcap.
Decoration right in beauty parlor should also be stipulated in contract.
The private barber parlor was in an annex adjoining a capacious bathroom.
The stone hit the parlor window with a crash of glass, tearing the shade.
Beauty Parlor Industry Customer Satisfaction Factor Experimental Analysis
Mrs. Sieppe brought them together in the front parlor of the B Street house.
The light of the cheerful fire shone on the rug and carpet of a cosy parlor.
在一间暖和的客厅里, 熊熊的炉火映射在地毯上。
We sit down in a billiard parlor on the Avenue du Maine and order hot Coffee.
Unless it is a funeral parlor to develop the brand, but more expensive price.
Now Jeannie has a husband and son in jail and a mother in the funeral parlor.
This afternoon just rushed to Shanghai, Mr. Xu hurried to the funeral parlor.
今天下午刚刚赶到上海, 许先生就赶去了殡仪馆。
It'so happened that the parlor door was partly of glass, shaded a silken curtain.
it so happened that the parlor door was partly of glass, shaded a silken curtain.
we should have seen a three globed gaschandelier grow down from the parlor ceiling
But most are indoor games, frequently what are called parlor games or party games.
但是大多数是室内游戏, 称为客厅或派对游戏。
With the advent of modern communications, the war has spilled over into the parlor.
rekindle their lovers. Amidst parlor games and idle talk , Sofia and Misha rekindle their love.
在随后的娱乐和闲聊中, 索菲娅和马沙旧情复燃。
While after thirty, paying no attention to the bookstore, I breeze into the beauty parlor next door.
A maid in a private home whose duties are to care for the parlor and the table and to answer the door.
At the same time, the company undertakes funeral parlor business supplies and classical modification works.
The bar provides the comfortable parlor mild and fragrant to you then relaxed lying fallow being pleased space.
Large and free parlor can hold banquet to enjoy guests, an emotion bearer for you and visitors to talk cheerfully.
I wonder as I stand before a nondescript storefront, formerly a tattoo parlor, in the tiny borough of Youngwood, Pa.
我站在一幢难以形容的临街店铺前, 心里甚感狐疑。
Yesterday I go to the beauty parlor to embellish my eyebrow, every time they would say my facial features are goodlooking.
昨天去美容院修眉, 每次技师都会说我的五官生得很好看。
The kitchen, dining room and parlor were on the first floor, and three bedrooms, along with a small wardrobe room, were upstairs.

单词 parlor 释义

  • 单词释义:客厅;起居室;(旅馆中的)休息室;<美>(通常用来构成合成词)店  [更多..]



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