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单词 paralysis 例句大全,用单词paralysis造句:

Clinical significance of abnormal blink reflex in the convalescent patients with facial nerve paralysis
OBJECTIVE To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and microwave for peripheral facial paralysis.
Observation on therapeutic effect of aponeurotic system penetration needling on peripheral facial paralysis
To investigate the value of vocal fold abduction for vocal cord paralysis through the suspension laryngoscopy.
abstract Objective To observe the effect of warm acupuncture treatment applied to peripheral facial paralysis.
Expressional focus is right paralysis of side bottom face, the mouth is only askew, and without the eye askew.
表现病灶对侧下部面瘫, 只有嘴歪斜, 而无眼歪斜。
Rehabilitation nursing care for patients with dysphagia caused by stroke associated with pseudobulbar paralysis
Objective Study cure and nursing experience of organic phosphor toxicosis result in breathing muscle paralysis.
Acupuncture and Moxibustion Cooperates with the Point to Inject and Treat Obstinate 32 Cases of Facial Paralysis
Experimental study on the recurrent laryngeal nerve anastomosis for the treatment of laryngeal abductor paralysis
MethodsTo retrospectively analyze the dada of 31 caese of hyperperthroidism accmpanied with periodically paralysis.
Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture combined with Lianhuaqingwen capsule on facial paralysis.
Clinical research on treatment of supranuclear paralysis after cerebral apoplexy combination acupuncture with medicine
Purpose To investigate the therapeutic effect of wrist ankle acupuncture for treatment of peripheral facial paralysis.
The Effects of Amplitudes of Facial Nerve Evoked Potential Acupuncture at Hegu on Peripheral Facial Paralysis Patients.
Treatment of 1 500 cases of peripheral facial paralysis with constant magnetic aerobic atraumatic method along meridian
恒磁有氧循经无创治疗周围性面神经麻痹1 500例
Conclusion The penetration acupuncture needle treatment of refractory peripheral facial paralysis efficacy is significant.
fear terror paralysis of alarm dismay fear awe dread shock affright fright paroxysm consternation heartpounding horror panic
害怕, 恐怖, 惊慌
Methods Sixty cases of cerebral stroke associated with pseudobulbar paralysis were randomly divided into two groups averagely.
Treating Adductor Vocal Cord Paralysis With Fenestration Procedure by the Side of Thyroid Cartilage and Inserting Sternohyoid Stalk
Predominant clinical features such as bulbar paralysis, unconsciousness, visual disorder and amnesia can help to localize the lesions.
延髓麻痹, 意识障碍, 视力障碍及记忆障碍等症状有助于定位
Clinical Observation and Attendance of Treating Chronic and Stubborn Facial Paralysis with Spininess Shallow Acupuncture and Moxibustion
The present paralysis in Washington offers little hope that the United States will deal with its budgetary problems swiftly or efficiently.
Opens the orifices after strokes or epilepsies or facial paralysis due to excessive of phlegm. 3.Discharges puss when used externally for boils.
熬膏外敷可治疮肿未溃者, 有散结消肿之效。
Observation on Clinical Therapeutic Effect of68 Newborns with Brachial Plexus Paralysis Treated with Needling Method of Shallow Puncture of Multiple Points

单词 paralysis 释义

  • 单词释义:麻痹,瘫痪;中风;无能,无气力  [更多..]



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