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单词 patient 例句大全,用单词patient造句:

For instance, remedial doctor coaches the patient uses new acknowledge and act extensively.
Patient reports on the period of attachment usually underestimate actual time of attachment.
Delivery room or cesarean section patient procedure tables or accessories or related products
产房, 剖腹产产台, 附件或相关产品
Then the colorful urine sickness patient wants to learn to grasp the diet emperor accurately.
The old chart should accompany the patient from the ER to the patient ward where he's admitted.
The patient's abdominal pain subsided after surgery and the postoperative course was uneventful.
abstract Objective To explore the pathogenesis on lowvoltage EEG of senile patient with epilepsy.
The stomach cancer patient epigastrium ache, through will hold back will also have the alleviation.
The lower abdomen of the second patient was caught between the counterweight of a bridge and a wall.
Accordingly, maintain defecate unobstructed, wrong to rhythm of the heart patient is very important.
因此, 保持大便通畅, 对心律失常病人非常重要。
Lodgers accommodation at the discretion of the Unit Manager. Only one lodger per patient is permitted.
Ambulatory blood pressure observation of renal hypertension patient and essential Hypertension patient
Up to now clinical go up still abide by old saying, use sudoriferous method to haemorrhage patient avoid.
Should make the patient maintains lukewarm thaw quiet, can give when necessary tranquillizer and aconite.
Acupuncture treatment for a comatose patient due to severe craniocerebral injury an evidencebased therapy
With an effort the patient ate some gruel. or The patient forced himself to take a few mouthful of gruel.
Heart word dredge applied to patient undergoing uterus content clearance after incomplete abortion by drug
After a few years in remission, the patient acquired herpes zoster infection followed by a disease flare.
In interacting with the patient the therapist does more than simply behave as a nice person to the patient.
Ancylostostomiasis patient, can have spend grow in quantity of cell of acerbity bead of be addicted to gently.
Palpation is best accomplished using the fingertips, with the patient either supine or in the left lateral decubitus position.
Instructor dialectical accurate, precise and appropriate selection Prescription, and therefore a significant effect, to cure the patient.
The defect was caused by a crush injury in3 patients, by an explosion injury in1 patient, and by a wrist joint mutilation injury in1 patient.
The Lord is patient, and great in power, and will not cleanse and acquit the guilty. The Lords ways are in a tempest, and a whirlwind, and clouds are the dust of his feet.
他的行程是在狂风暴雨中, 云彩是他脚下的尘埃。
Monk sets out to uncover what really happened to the cleaning lady. He interviews a fellow patient who had threatened Dr. Kroger in the past, but the patient has a strong alibi.

单词 patient 释义

  • 单词释义:n.病人,患者;adj.忍耐的,耐心的  [更多..]



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