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单词 patience 例句大全,用单词patience造句:

Meanwhile, patience, meticulousness and thoughtfulness should be paid attention to.
Then there is a swing upward, accompanied by suffering, patience, and understanding.
Abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern.
Her refusal to become angry with those naughty children speak volume for her patience.
We have several times play the agent holding, but I also insufficiently have the patience.
The world needs carefulness and patience, anxious to give up and hurry revolution is rude.
世事需要细心和耐心, 着急放弃和着急革命都是粗暴的做法。
All the inspiring teachers display an abundance of love and patience towards their students.
Suffer It often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or patience in bearing.
Yet complaints help foster compassion and patience, and criticism often holds golden advice.
怨言之下有慈忍, 批评之中藏金玉。
Trader The predominant Asian trait is to have plenty of patience and tire out the adversary.
I apologize for the delay in responding to your message and greatly appreciate your patience.
But this taught her the patience that became the foundation for her future artistic endeavors.
这也培养了她更好的耐性, 成为日后学习绘画的基础。
It requires devotion of time and patience to achieve peak communication between the two companions.
Patience and judgement are required to know how to pace the learning and personal adjustment needs.
He sacrificed two and a half years at Royal Antwerp, which showed great patience and determination.
在安特卫普的两年半里, 他表现出了极大的耐性与决心。
I appreciate everyone patience during this outage. Some new members jumped the gun and yelled fire.
Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience.
Sus passion in the pursuit of perfection in choral arts and his patience in conveying his idea to us.
他会不厌其烦地一遍遍反覆讲解练习, 让我们了解他的想法。
Stack up and build your House of Cards! The more patience and accuracy you show, the higher you build.
In appreciation of your time, patience and cost implications to yourself, we are terminating this call.
Already the albatross checks a hatching in staggering numbers downy and demanding with unending patience.
This takes the courage of an explorer and the patience of an alchemist seeking to transform lead into gold.
The poet inclined to arrange poems with patience and enduring resolve in energy and energies of a lifetime.
Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.
Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right? action arises by itself?

单词 patience 释义

  • 单词释义:容忍;毅力;单人纸牌游戏  [更多..]



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