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单词 patio 例句大全,用单词patio造句:

Oh, well. How about a patio Does the apartment have a patio
The covered patio has plenty of room for dining and relaxing.
Just like that, she stood up and walked toward the patio gate.
Whether you choose concrete or real stone, a patio is expensive.
不管你是选择混凝土还是真正的石子, 内院都是昂贵的。
Know what materials you will need to build a patio, deck, or arbor.
A spacious Patio and a breakfast room are available for the guests.
Fuzzy Neural Control System for the Smoke Exhausting Fans of a Patio
I rush to close the windows clothesline, secure the patio furnishings.
Design, compact structure, luxuriant shaped like patio and the old name.
结构紧凑, 华丽, 形如古时的天井而得此名。
My mother was sitting on the patio, drinking tonic water when I got home.
We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our patio.
Dan informed her that he would be out back on the patio cleaning his shoes.
Sometimes we went to the beach and at other times we sunbathed on the patio.
我们有时去海滩, 有时在院子里做日光浴。
Large enclosed patio with sink and counter bar adjoins the breezy court yard.
The patio is quite spacious with a lot of sunshine. You will really enjoy it.
很宽敞, 阳光也很充足, 你会喜欢的。
Mountain biological resources patio set diversity, rarity, originality of one.
The piano nobile, the residents daily domain, is organized around a patio.
Patio is usually outside, connected open with living room. On the contrary, Mr.
庭院通常是室外的, 开敞的连接着起居室。
Great property 2 bedrooms and 2 bathroom with big open living room with a patio.
I rush to close the windows, empty the clothesline, secure the patio furnishings.
我冲过去关上窗子, 收起晒衣绳, 固定好院中的摆设。
They can also be placed on a patio or moved around to suit your decorative needs.
We built our pergola over an existing stone patio, that saved a lot of patio work.
我们修造了一个荫凉地, 地上都是修建后留下的一片狼藉。
Furthermore, the interior walls and the facades enclosing the patio were demolished.
Before sitting down for my dinner, I took a stroll out on the patio before it got dark.
I am prepared to place an order for immediate shipment of patio resin wicker furniture.
我准备放在庭院树脂柳条家具, 立即运送订单。

单词 patio 释义

  • 单词释义:院子,天井;<西>露台,平台  [更多..]



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