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单词 pathogeny 例句大全,用单词pathogeny造句:

Finding real pathogeny is the best way to delete disease and not to be treated at random.
不要头痛医头, 找出病因才是根本之道。
Objective To investigate pathogeny from disease cobra and provide effective therapeutic measure.
Objective To explore the pathogeny, diagnosis and treatment of osteofascial compartment syndrome.
Objective To explore the epidemiology, pathogeny, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary sequestration.
摘要目的探讨肺隔离症的流行病学, 病因, 诊断和治疗方法。
Objective To explore the epidemiology, pathogeny, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary sequestration.
Solve corrupt problem to need to administer thoroughly, its premise is to look for accurate pathogeny.
According to the findings of the research abroad, the pathogeny of hypertension is genetically related.
The pathogeny, pathogenesis and therapeutic methods on pain syndrome of the traditional Chinese medicine
中医学对痛证病因, 病机与治法的认识
Objective To obtain the quantitative data for pathogeny, diagnosis and treatment of the cervical spondylosis.
Acute is pure the clinical expression of sexual gastritis often differs because of the pathogeny and very abhorrent.
pathogeny treats Break anaemia of courage and uprightness chronically, should search exsanguine account and add Jiao Zhi.
One family investigation and pathogeny research on ectrodactyly, absence of radius side part palm and split foot malformation
And the main deficient pathogeny in origin is the deficiency of both Qi and Yin, which is because of the dysfunctions of the spleen and kidney.
本虚以气阴亏虚为主, 病变主要责之脾肾。

单词 pathogeny 释义

  • 单词释义:生病,病原;发病机理;病因  [更多..]



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