General reporting as directed. Punctual and efficient submission of all necessary paperwork.
标准化报告流程, 按时有效的提交各类必要文件
Check paper customs required, hand over to paperwork operator to fill in the customs declaration form.
Oversee paperwork, order details and payment details. Monitor money transactions and shipping details.
Additional research and a need to be immaculate with your paperwork will require intense concentration.
额外的研究及文书作业的完美需求, 需要非常专注。
Coordinates customersrequest for literature, reports, paperwork and steer enquiries to the appropriate department.
将客户需求整理为书面文件和报告, 向主管部门进行查询
In addition, the dealer must allow you to take possession of the new car before their reimbursement paperwork is submitted.
此外, 在报销文书提交前, 交易商必须允许你拥有新车。