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单词 lobby 例句大全,用单词lobby造句:

The lobby, restaurant, and lounge share one large yet polished space.
For temporary out accommodation, please notify the lobby manager on duty.
如需临时外出住宿时, 请事先通知大堂值班经理。
Located at the backside of lobby, it is a nice place for restand meeting.
He fell asleep in the hotel lobby and was woken up by someone kicking him.
在酒店大堂睡着了, 然后有人把他踢醒。
There are the coffee bar, lobby bar, music bar, and star bar in our hotel.
我们有咖啡吧, 大堂吧, 音乐吧和星吧。
The two restaurants are on the second floor the coffee shop's inthe lobby.
两个餐厅都在二楼, 咖啡厅在门厅旁边。
An agricultural lobby is against a law to allow importing cotton from Egypt.
农业界院外集团, 反对透过一项允许从埃及进口棉花的法律。
I turned around and saw two aged men standing by the lobby's spiral staircase.
我回头一看, 在螺旋形楼梯口站着两个中年人。
Meaning, the artistic director doesn't necessarily need to go through our lobby.
就是说,艺术指导 不一定非要经过大厅。
Undertake greenhouse lobby works and accessories, and a professional installation.
The practical consequence would be an American attempt to lobby the other members.
They had exhausted their bag of tricks in their attempts to lobby the legislature.
他们使出浑身解数, 企图游说立法机关。
Fixed an issue where the doors in the arranged team lobby sometimes would not open.
If you are in a hurry,we also serve breakfast at the Coffee Shop on the Lobby Floor.
The Lobby Bar offers Chinese and Western drinks with refined and tasteful atmosphere.
The lobby has been gaily decorated with pomposity, has fullbodied artistic atmosphere.
Please contact the Assistant Manager in the lobby for any problem during your staying.
Please contact that information desk at the corner of the lobby. They can take booking.
The lobby bar is located on the second floor, Offering coffee, alcohol and other beverages.
She amused herself by looking at the scenes from coming attractions displayed in the lobby.
I registered my arrival at the reception desk, and then sat in a chair in the waiting lobby.
Creditors have periodically imposed monetary anchors in an attempt to defeat the borrowers lobby.
债权人定期实行货币锚, 试图打败债务人的说客。
Room rate RMB15 per bed in the lobby RMB25 per bed on the2 nd and1 rd floor Breakfast not included.
Food and Beverage outlets include a Chinese Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Lobby Lounge and American Pub.
Sometimes my Teacher would arrange for me to have lessons on the grand piano positioned in the middle of the lobby area.
有时候, 老师会安排我位于大堂中间的大三角琴上课。

单词 lobby 释义

  • 单词释义:门厅,大厅;休息室;游说团;投票厅  [更多..]



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