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单词 lingerie 例句大全,用单词lingerie造句:

Perhaps its some lingerie, she knows isnt hers, but refuses to discuss
也许是一件内衣, 她明知的, 却拒绝提起
Perhaps it's some lingerie she knows isn't hers, but refuses to discuss.
wholesale and accept all kinds of racy lingerie, sleepwear, and so onmade.
接受各类型的情趣内衣, 睡衣等订做。
Spring clean her entire wardrobe and rearrange all her shoes and lingerie.
Casey, he was hitting on you while he was buying lingerie for another woman.
雀喜, 他在买内衣送其他女人时看上了你
Just the thought of exotic lingerie is sure to start both your pulses racing.
I told my boss I liked this line of lingerie. She ordered a ton. How was your day.
How does a girl, named after a street, become one of Australias top lingerie models
Lingerie is usually designed to be sexually exciting for the wearer and her partner.
All that engineering is the reason that most lingerie stores advise washing bras by hand.
因为有了这些工程学设计, 文胸商家都建议文胸要手洗。
For daytime, stick with one lingerie piece per outfit, such as a bustier top under a cardigan.
netherlands. designing, manufacturing and exporting night underwear, lingerie and laundry bags.
In recent years, it has become one of the fasting growing categories in the lingerie industry.
A day earlier, hundreds reportedly struck at a Shenzhen company that makes underwear and lingerie.
而在一天前, 深圳一家内衣公司也爆发了几百人的罢工。
Lingerie shows, fashion trend, cocktails, wines and lingerie culture blend perfectly in AIMER BAR.
The ultrasonic welding and cutting machine can be applied in garment, adornment and lingerie industries.

单词 lingerie 释义

  • 单词释义:女用贴身内衣裤;[古语]亚麻布制品  [更多..]



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