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单词 lifeguard 例句大全,用单词lifeguard造句:

Sandals are a job interview unless you are applying fora job a lifeguard.
除非你应聘得是救生员得工作, 否则凉鞋是不和适得。
Research and Analysis on the Actuality of Lifeguard of Mass Swimming in China
If you can't get back to the beach, tread water and wave for a lifeguard's help.
This little piece of trash lifeguard forced himself onto her, after he got her drunk.
Sandals are never appropriate a job interview, unless you are applying fora job a lifeguard.
One thing every lifeguard knows is that you can't save anybody who's trying to save themselves.
每一个救生员都知道, 你要救的人要是想自救, 你就救不了他。
When you first get to the beach, check with the lifeguard to find out how strong the waves are.
Sandals are never appropriate for a job interview, unless you are applying for a job as a lifeguard.
除非你应聘得是救生员得工作, 否则凉鞋是不合适得。

单词 lifeguard 释义



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