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单词 likeness 例句大全,用单词likeness造句:

Nowadays, brutal reality is placed before them again, and the result is such likeness.
如今, 残酷的现实再次摆在他们面前, 而结果又是如此的相似。
Actually, happy net is more than also the competitor that faces an appearance likeness.
实际上, 开心网也不止面对一家面目相似的竞争者。
Despite the crudeness of the sketched likeness, Samson Tower was not an unhandsome man.
The beginning of love and the beginning of life have a pleasing likeness to one another.
爱情的开始与生命的开始, 颇有些动人的相似之处。
The likeness of her craved on my deepest mind, it beared down my confidence drastically.
In the first place, his startling likeness to Catherine connected him fearfully with her.
There might be a likeness between their features, but their eyes were totally dissimilar.
In a document copying machine, a faithful likeness of the subject matter of the original.
Once he and I ate at a table together, and while observing me he was able to carve my likeness.
他和我坐在一个桌子上吃饭, 看着我, 就能为我雕像。
There is only a formal likeness between the two brothers, for their natures are very different.
这两兄弟仅外表相似, 本性却很不一样。
Some ulcer can happen after breastbone sorely, with likeness of not typical angina pectoris fit.
有的溃疡疼痛可发生在胸骨后, 与不典型的心绞痛发作相似。
Thats not true! You have a great profile. Id expect to see your likeness in paintings and on statues.
伊丽莎白, 这像他么?
This likeness unquestionably included the ability to engage in intelligible speech via human language.
All the errors were cleared up which the extreme likeness between this twin brother and sister had occasioned.
Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female
The devolution wolf mountain has ever had white wolf to reside it up, and then spread to get because of the mountain likeness wolf.

单词 likeness 释义

  • 单词释义:相像,相似;外表;照片,肖像  [更多..]



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