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单词 likely 例句大全,用单词likely造句:

And multiracial child actors are now more likely to be tapped for television advertisements.
Similarly, an important customer is not likely to be abandoned for an occasional late payment.
Golden State Securities believes that the economic adjustment is likely to continue until 2010.
The is adhesion of hair unripe bowel likely time after appendix operation paragraph be for ages?
Goldman is likely to send an additional4,400 people from its investment banking division packing.
The is adhesion of hair unripe bowel likely time after appendix operation paragraph be for ages ?
It is highly likely that guci was a continuation of the ci sung to drum accompaniment of Song times
Their children are better nourished, less likely to die in infancy and more likely to attend school.
the firm is likely to incur additional costs associated with the initial distribution of the product.
As a footnote, we are also likely to slightly adjust Replenishment and buff the amount of MP5 on gear.
You must pay careful attention when doing accounts. You're likely to make errors if you're not careful.
The more choices available, the more likely they were to put all their money in pure money market accounts.
选择越多,越容易造成人们 把钱存进单纯的存钱账户中。
Integrating Six Sigma with business strategy will is more likely to achieve excellent business performance.
So Mr Hu was likely to have been directly involved in the decision to shut Bing Dian down. Likely have been
And it is not verv likely that we will use these missiles, or would treat their use very likely and easily.
They are also more likely to have a miscarriage or stillbirth, or for their babies to be born with an abnormality.
This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause, and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be
这是件憾事, 因为减少
A skincare mask formulated specifically for people with acne is likely to include benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
Have I collected all the real friends I am likely ever to have? Most important, have I accumulated the right kinds of friends?
They are less likely to see a therapist, less likely to be diagnosed with depression, less likely to be taking prescription medication.
不再常去看心理医生 患抑郁症的几率下降 更少生病
The better the targeting, the more likely that the ads that are served up on Web sites will be relevant to individuals ' tastes and needs.
Those who were not active in their leisure time were almost twice as likely to suffer symptoms of depression than the most active individuals.
The longer the delay, the more likely it is that information obtained after the event will interfere with the original memory, which reduces accuracy.
The adhesion force that the sodium lactate produce on the small size of quartz particles is much stronger, which could cause contact failure more likely.
乳酸钠对小粒径石英颗粒粘着作用更强, 更易导致触点失效。
The paper says further research is required into interview techniques and conditions under which false memories and reports of abuse are most likely to arise.

单词 likely 释义

  • 单词释义:可能的;有…倾向的;合适的  [更多..]



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