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单词 lightly 例句大全,用单词lightly造句:

The street talk a lane to smell a virago conjecture in the soft rib ache beauty lightly crumple.
With Qu Road turn obstacles, the driver must be alert at all times did not dare take it lightly.
有了弯道曲道的阻碍, 司机须时时警醒不敢掉以轻心。
The checkpoint was permanent, lightly fortified and reinforced by an armoured personnel carrier.
You just idealized also much, the really absolute cornered person lightly was prejudiced to rouse.
A fast, lightly armed warship, smaller than a destroyer, often armed for antisubmarine operations.
它可以破坏生活, 它也可能帮助生活。
Autumn wind blowing hair, a quiet voice reveals a subtle fragrance to lightly moisten the Xintian.
Talk about passing the sinew theory in application with clinical acupuncture and moxibustion lightly
These soldiers are lightly armoured and carry the caliver firearm, a lighter variant of the arquebus.
这些部队轻装上阵, 使用轻型火绳枪进行作战。
Description Simple but very balanced table wine, soft lightly bitterish with slightly fruity taste.
And the effect of treatment is influenced lightly by the different arrangement place at the same case.
Monte Cristo sprang lightly from the carriage, and offered his hand to assist Emmanuel and Maximilian.
He said he was lightly wounded in the attack on his compound, adding that seven people had been killed.
Silky, scented powder is infused with moisturizing apricot oil for softly radiant, lightly scented skin.
Ants on the locust tree assume a greatnation swagger and mayflies lightly plot to topple the giant tree.
When used, the umbrella automatically opens or closes with one hand lightly handling the hand grab handle.
Rub with minced garlic and place in shallow baking dish. Lightly coat with oil, vinegar and salt and pepper.
用切碎的大蒜擦匀牛肉再轻轻涂油, 醋和盐, 胡椒。
Spend not intentional exhibition Yan devil inconsistency ashore smiling, lightly lax loose of loose open finger.
花无心展颜妖异一笑, 轻轻松松的松开手指。
The achievement pale night of misty rain subsequently the tower lightly has sued the desire language also shames.
The keyring is held by a hand and is pulled backward lightly towards a trousers buckle while the keyring is hung.
Cleansing empress, take just the right amount of article, be draw in a department to the complete absorption lightly.
用法洁肤后, 取适量本品, 轻轻涂于脸部至完全吸收。
Sooner or later after clean face, take to be draw in the face just the right amount, massage to the complete absorption lightly.
Take just the right amount of in the disguise cotton or center of palm of hand, lightly massage to keep go to complete absorption.
Tomatoes release more lycopene when lightly sauteed or roasted, says Johnny Bowden, PhD, nutritionist and author of The Healthiest Meals on Earth.
Cleansing empress, take to be order in the eye turnover just the right amount and lightly, close eyes to massage to the complete absorption lightly.
A fresh cover of snow lightly blankets the tracks of yesterday, where my children have made snow angels and rolled down Grandpa's backyard hill, spreading winter's magical frosting from head to toe.

单词 lightly 释义

  • 单词释义:轻柔地;少许;漫不经心地;轻率地  [更多..]



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