An Evaluation of the Feasibility of Sierra Leone Clays for Ceramic Building Materials Production
Just as its neighbor Sierra Leone, Liberia was known for its blood diamonds during the civil war.
和他的邻居塞拉利昂一样, 利比里亚也以血钻著称。
In Sierra Leone, had the United Nations not engaged, countless children now living would be dead.
在塞拉利昂, 假如联合国不介入, 现在活着的无数儿童将死去。
The Commission considered the situations of Burundi and Sierra Leone during its inaugural session.
This has been true, for example, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, and Haiti.
The situations in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Burundi were also continuously reviewed by the Council.
The situations in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sierra Leone are cases in point.
As barley production in Russia slumped, the production of sorghum in Sierra Leone and Ghana surged.
由于俄罗斯粮食减产, 塞拉利昂和加纳的高粱产量猛增。
The Sierra Leone police need to enhance their capacity to provide security for the polling stations.
Additionally, it publishes a periodic newsletter that discusses human rights issues in Sierra? Leone.
Efforts in Sierra Leone to get more children through primary school have led to crowded high schools.
We participated in the initial two meetings of the Sierra Leone configuration in October and in December.
The case, in the mechanical engineering department, came to light when Ansymana Koroma, a student from Sierra Leone, appealed against a decision not to award him a Ph.D.