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单词 leniency 例句大全,用单词leniency造句:

Criminal Judicial Policies of Combine Leniency with Severity and Criminal Investigative Procedure
Federal sentencing guidelines dictate punishment in this case There's no leniency from the court.
There should be no leniency or amnesty with respect to crimes perpetrated against innocent children.
Criminal Silence Right and Leniency for Confessantsa Discussion of the Nature of Argument over Silence Right
The first part of this article is on the nature of the criminal policy of alternating leniency with severity.
leniency toward those who acknowledge their crimes but severe punishment to those who stubbornly refuse to do so
担白从宽, 抗拒从严
It is our consistent policy to give leniency to those who confess their crimes and severity to those who refuse to do so.
坦白从宽, 抗拒从严是我们的一贯政策。
Carrying out and Perfection of Criminal Policy of Leniency and Severity and Its Working Mechanism for the Procuratorial Organ
New Interpretation on Punishment of Ripping off Qualifications in the Backdrop of China's Criminal Policy of Combining Leniency and Harshness

单词 leniency 释义

  • 单词释义:n.宽大,仁慈,温和,慈悲宽厚行为  [更多..]



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