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单词 liberate 例句大全,用单词liberate造句:

Poets are soldiers that liberate words from the steadfast possession of definition.
But Corporal Locklin arrives to steal back his stallion and liberate the other horses.
Syria and other Arab countries are determined to liberate their lands occupied by Israel.
It is only the real that will liberate, not an assurance, or my giving you that assurance.
只有实相才能解脱, 而不是满足感, 或者给你保证。
The Royal Air Force and the US Air Force set out to liberate France from the German invaders!
Since our country is liberate, many power plant have been set up in all parts of the country.
自从我们的国家解放以来, 在全国各地建起了许多发电厂。
The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.
Remember this. And with the permission of Allah we will liberate Chechnya and all the Caucasus.
Understanding the suffering that living beings undergo helps liberate the energy of compassion.
Beyond nice speeches and some truly cuisine, don't expect France to liberate America from Iraq.
We do hope Hermione will work harder to wake up and liberate the latent elves from their sleep.
希望妙丽加把劲, 把沉睡中的小精灵解放出来。
A war was fought in the United States in the 17th Century to liberate black people from slavery.
They tried unsuccessfully to liberate the country from the grasp of the leader's wicked ideology.
Writing down what you feel and how you feel can help you out liberate from your emotional prison.
Although it was very dangerous jaguar knight decided to do something in order to liberate princess.
In his lifetime, he forced the government to liberate the blacks in the USA and give them equal rights.
在他的一生中, 他迫使政府解放美国黑人, 给他们平等的权利。
Burn with righteous indignation, martyr sacrifices for equality, do the mankind to liberate emancipator.
热血沸腾, 先烈为平等牺牲, 做人类解放救星。
The international community must work together to find a way to liberate itself from this vicious cycle.
In his life time, he forced the government to liberate the blacks in the USA and gave them equal rights.
在他的一生中, 他迫使政府解放美国黑人并给他们平等权利。
The oil painting brought into relief the determination of the African people to liberate the whole African continent.

单词 liberate 释义

  • 单词释义:解放;释放;释出,放出  [更多..]



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