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单词 licence 例句大全,用单词licence造句:

The company is accused of incinerating hazardous waste without the required licence.
A Liquor Licensing Board has been established to consider liquor licence applications.
Becoming a developed economy means having the licence to be less fiscally responsible.
The prescribed fee for an import and export licence is payable on issue of the licence.
Loss of licence contact as a real deterrent to potential traders in smuggled cigarettes.
right sanction franchise licence permit leave warrant authorization prerogative permission
核准, 许可, 特许
And get five Central Asian countries s medicine import and export licence smoothly on 2007.
If you have never held a driving licence before, you should apply for a provisional licence.
The ANC claimed the curfew gave licence to the police to hunt people as if they were animals.
? Is there any provision in French law to prohibit the acquisition of firearms without a licence?
Title Discussion on the Appearance and Control of the Discretionary Power in Administrative Licence
They can be carried out only by licence issued by the State Agency for the Protection of Monuments.
Firearms, ammunition, weapons, police arms; possession of firearms and ammunition without a licence
Hold a licence to practice veterinary medicine in the province for which they are seeking accreditation.
持有兽医从业许可证的兽医, 可以申请认证。
Chemicals are imported and exported on the basis of a licence issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
For the carriage of passengers unless a passenger service licence is in force in respect of the vehicle.
Servicing Limitations The licence does not authorize the licensee to dismantle electron capture detectors
The Certificate of Successful completion of the course serves as a licence to work as a forklift operator.
证书受人力部承认, 可当执照操作起重机。
Optical disc manufacturers are required to apply for a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.
When you have obtained the necessary licence, please cable your order immediately for our final confirmation.
贵公司获得所需许可证后, 请即电告订货, 以便我方最后确认。
This year our government has adopted a special licence system for the import of textiles, including silk goods.
今年, 我们政府对纺织品包括丝绸的进口采取了特种许可证。
The licence gives the right to an authorised person to carry out foreign trade operations with strategic goods.
if he refuses to set it right or other serious circumstances are involved, his hygiene licence shall be revoked.
Cosmetics for special use should show the number of the approval document for the hygiene licence of that cosmetics.
It is not necessary for the said vessels paying tonnages to pay additional vehicle and vessel service licence fees to the tax authorities.

单词 licence 释义

  • 单词释义:许可;许可证;放纵;放荡  [更多..]



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