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单词 lick 例句大全,用单词lick造句:

This one descended a sheer rock wall to lick salt and other exposed minerals.
Hurry up,a lick and a promise will do because you had a bath only an hour ago.
His wicked trick is to get the kids to kick bricks and lick the cricket ticket.
His wicked trick is to get the kids to kick bricks and lick the cricket ticket.
Sam went round the corner on his bicycle at full lick and knocked a schoolboy over.
萨姆骑着自行车在街角拐弯时, 速度太快, 撞倒了一个学童。
He bent his head down and gave the little hedgehog a big wet lick right on the nose.
I wish he wouldn't lick the manager's boots; it's obvious he's just seeking favours.
The Jeffersonss dog was big but affable it liked to lick little children on the nose.
We do not have time to clean thoroughly, but give the classroom a lick and a promise.
我们没有时间彻底扫除, 只是把教室草草打扫了一下。
With the motorized ice cream cone, just stick out tongue, and let ice cream lick you!
但有了电动冰激凌筒, 你只要伸出舌头就行了。
Affection of Supplementing Urea Lick Brick with Molasses on Body Weight Gain in Buffalo
The lick granuloma often becomes infected with bacteria, causing a secondary problem.
The British team was returning home yesterday to lick its wounds after defeat by India.
Often a lick of paint or some new tiles can improve an old-fashioned kitchen or bathroom.
He looks for courtesy from his subordinates, but he doesn't expect them to lick his boots.
Golden takins were very often observed to lick soil which with a high composition of salt.
I decided to copy the adults and lick my lips. Little Ashleys eyes opened wide at my action.
They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.
Application of underground pipeline technique in improving salt lick in the Huang river basin
Oil went everywhere. Flames began to lick at the wicker husbands chest, up his neck, into his face.
火焰开始舔食柳条丈夫的胸膛他的脸, 脖子。
Because he did not use forefinger to insert anus to me alertly, and those who lick is middle finger.
因为他没有留意到我用食指插入肛门, 而舔的是中指。
Those with dualistic perception regard suffering as happiness, Like they who lick the honey from a razors edge.
有分别心的人, 如舔刀锋之蜜, 以苦为乐。
Discussion on the Ways for the Salt Lick Amelioration and the Measures for the Cultivation and Management of the Plants
Effect of Supplementary Feeding Lick block contained Urea and Molasses on Gain of Fattening Tibetan Sheep in Autumn Grazing
To lick the challenge, scientists can utilize systems that make computations 10 million times faster then that of our old-fashioned electrochemical brain.

单词 lick 释义



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