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单词 nine 例句大全,用单词nine造句:

And nine, nine rings were giftedthe race of Men, who above all else, desire power.
而人类, 则分到九只戒指, 他们比别人更贪图权力。
Nine surveillance inspections The administrative measure should be further perfect.
The Commission will have nine days of formal meetings to consider the agenda items.
In fewer than nine months in office, Mr Hatoyama proved an abysmal prime minister.
An array of nine small acoustic generators was flush mounted with the model surface.
Nine cases of adenoacanthoma, 3 in the esophagus and 6 in the stomach, are reported.
本文报告3例食管腺棘癌和6例 胃腺 棘癌。
With nine ad litem judges, the Tribunal is able to set up six Trial Chamber Sections.
Nine barriers were identified to widespread adoption of energy efficient technologies.
It was Emperor QianLong who added the Five Dragon Pavilions and the Nine Dragon Screen.
Add a bounce to your horse's gymnastic line by adding a fence nine feet from the first.
Afterwards, they lined up the nine Palestinians and ordered them to beat each other up.
Month of much drop of my darling nine, oral cavity agnail, how should notice his food ?
我宝宝九个多点月, 口腔发炎, 要如何注意他的饮食?
Her main artworks include Nine Dragons Playing with a Pearl and Nine Auspicious Dragons.
Look up to the Longtan, such as Abas million Fei Bao Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.
仰望龙潭, 飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天, 蔚为壮观。
Highly affected African countries could gain up to nine times their investments in TB control.
There he was convicted a corruption spree that had allegedly begun nine years earlier in Shanghai.
Water Resources Allocation System in River Basins Should be Modernized by Improving Nine Mechanisms
It's the first day of the nine periods following the winter solstice, but it is really cold already.
The game continues in this way for nine innings with the two teams alternating in the field and at bat.
He writes that nine out of ten persons in the population were affected by some of this countrys abhorrent diseases.
他写道, 每十个人中就有九个得过那让人憎恶的疾病。
Nearly half of the total population, or 32 million people in nine West African countries suffer from malnutrition.
Determination of nine metal impurity in the propellant of hydrazine compounds by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
From 200 BC to 200 AD, Pythagorean triples appear in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, together with a mention of right triangles.
Nine patients achieved full weightbearing ambulation without heel ulceration while one patient was able to ambulate with crutch assistance.
But, Black Participation need to be nine steamed nine exposured, the processing time is too long that the active ingredient excessive loss.
但黑参九蒸九曝加工时间太长, 有效成分损失过多。

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