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单词 nike 例句大全,用单词nike造句:

Made by Nike. Suitable for all ages. Shatter resistant neoprene gasket. Single silicone strap.
Through presentations of case studies, brand legends as Microsoft, Pepsi or Nike will be explored.
Magnesss brief is to find ways to teach Nike runners to run barefootstyle and punctureproof their legs.
他的简介是教耐克跑者赤足跑, 并且跑断腿。
Turn off the AirCon it puts extra strain on the engine, which consequently guzzles more nike shoes petrol.
The beautiful cup is about ten inches high and has the shape of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, on it.
这个精美的奖杯约10英寸高, 外形为希腊胜利女神模样。
This woman , Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly III FG, in his in the mind, really is an inaccessible beautiful woman.
这个女子, 在他心里, 真的就是可望而不可及的仙子。
Even when youre not at your job, Nike Mercurial Talaria V, you sometimes do positive brainstorming about your work.
The gypsy girl removed the starched lace corsets she had on nike dunks there she was, changed into practically nothing.
一个人的理想越崇高, 生活越纯洁派宁清洁机。
One is for Visible Air technology, which he created as a side project it helped catapult Nike out of the doldrums in the mid80s.
Notable clients include Apple Computer, Abbott Labs, AudiVW, BMW, Boston Scientific, Clorox, Cisco Systems, Dell, Logitech, Medtronic, Motorola, Nissan, Nike, The North Face, and Palm Computing.

单词 nike 释义

  • 单词释义:耐克(国际著名运动产品公司);地对空导弹的一种;胜利女神  [更多..]



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