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单词 niece 例句大全,用单词niece造句:

The cute little girl is my two years old niece, my sister's daughter.
这个可爱的小女孩是我的外甥女, 我妹妹的女儿。
Frank consults his niece, Ann, about how to handle an insect invasion.
I bought some minute knives and forks to go in my niece's doll's house.
We bought our niece an annual subscription to the tennis club as a gift.
Thus, I could share more her video to the world Go Go Go, my dear niece.
Framton turned toward his niece with a look of sympathetic comprehension.
Madame Denis, the niece of M. de Voltaire, had been extremely good to me.
In the course of his brief visit, he quite forgot to ask after his niece.
It reminded me, in an odd kind of way, of my niece's fifth birthday party.
它以一种古怪的方式使我想起了 我侄女五岁的生日派对。
My niece is going to enter the first grade of kindergarten this September.
Yes, we must suppose the faults of the niece to have been those of the aunt.
It fell to Robert to pay for his niece's education after his elder brother died.
He anxiously desired to have his niece married, to make for her a suitable match.
The President and Mrs. Bush are the adoptive uncle and aunt of a niece and nephew.
The president and mrs. bush are the adoptive uncle and aunt of a niece and nephew.
Oh, Ive been to Niece and the Isle of Greece while Ive sipped champagne on a yacht.
The president and Mrs. Bush are the adopted uncle and aunt of a niece and an nephew.
Laters helping under with me niece stills have cousin brothers helping under at mary!
You came to the Wall without my leave, armed, to carry off your niece against her will.
She returned to the charge the next evening, and requested her niece to confide in her.
Their niece and students to crawl before they are interested, and you get a little difficulty
人家外甥女和同学们爬才有兴致, 和你爬个什么劲?
He is kind and patient with her, our son and my niece and nephew, for whom we are legal guardians.
eg. Mr brooks refused to be a judge because his wifes niece is a contestant. He is very scrupulous.
Niece too inconvenient. For a while to get back in the evening school, hotel, travel time convenient.
外甥女嫌不方便。一会儿去校, 晚上回宾馆, 走时方便。
I cant be certain my niece will blab this information to everyone, but somehow, I think she will eventually.Do you think my husband had good reason to tell her
我很看重个人隐私, 不想谁知道我喝酒, 因为那不好的名声。

单词 niece 释义



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