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单词 neurological 例句大全,用单词neurological造句:

It may cause irreversible changes of neurological and urological complication if the diagnosis is delayed.
Price therefore concludes that O'Neill's drinking did not contribute to his neurological condition nor his tremors.
Influence of hyperglycemia on extent of the focus, clinical neurological deficits and prognosis in acute cerebral infarction
The Study on Preconditioning with Diazoxide Ameliorates Neurological Injury in the Early Period Induced by Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest
Postoperative temporarily neurological deficits including aphasia, motorial and sensory disturbance presented in8patients, permanent deficit in2.
术后一过性语言, 运动或感觉障碍8例, 永久性功能障碍2例。
Tension pneumocephalus is the presence of intracranial air under pressure which can cause rapid neurological deterioration requiring emergency surgery.
But for O'Neill, his personal 'play ' ended on a different note--one fraught with the injustice of a neurological disease and the burden of severe depression.
While the amount of the additive, called thimerosal, in a single vaccine poses no threat, it's remotely possible that the accumulated mercury in multiple inoculations might cause neurological damage.
"I had heard in neurological circles that the general public didn't know what O'Neill's autopsy revealed," says Price,"so I started to question whether or not we should look deeper."

单词 neurological 释义

  • 单词释义:神经学的;神经病学的  [更多..]



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