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单词 newton 例句大全,用单词newton造句:

In the eighteenth century Newton s work was cast in analytical form and extended.
We now give a number of applications of Newton's second law to specific problems.
Decomposition of combinated Newton and multiplier method for a special programming
一种特殊规划的分块超松驰组合牛顿 乘子算法
It depicts Isaac Newton sitting under a tree with an apple about to fall on his head.
它描绘了坐在树下的牛顿, 而苹果正要落到他头上。
This assumption was one reason why some of Newton's predictions were not quite right.
In classical mechanism the motion of the particle is governed by Newton's second law.
经典力学中, 粒子的运动服从牛顿第二定律。
The Application of Newton's Method to Hydraulic Calculation about Branches of a Channel
We start with Newton's Second Law, at first referring our problem to an inertial frame.
A New Successive Approximation Damped Newton Method for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems
So their mathematical knowledge of Newton's theory of classical mechanics is the synthesizer.
He held the post that Newton held at Cambridge, and that was recently held by Stephen Hawking.
他担当了当时牛顿在剑桥的职位 最近又由史蒂芬霍金担当
Analysing Newton and Leibniz along with their Philosophical Thinking that they Founded Calculus
Wavelet Image Adaptive Denoising Based on Newton Forward Interpolation and Neigh bour Dependency
The English mathematician Isaac Newton was chronically suspicious and had a psychotic breakdown.
Indeed it was this analysis which led Newton and Leibnitz to the discovery of differential calculus.
The Improvement of Newton Iteration Method in the Square Root Calculation of Microcomputer Protection
The procedure design of the experimental data using the method of weighted averages to deal with Newton's Ring
The concept of space time in classical mechanics is equal to that in Newton's second law of motion in essence.
Even Sir Isaac Newton made a calculation based onscripture that showed the Rapture could not happen before 2060.
他万分激动, 兴高采烈地把她搂在怀里, 说
Research of the affection and the revision of the kinetic drag in the verifiable experiment of newton's second law
In order to reduce computational effort, piecemeal dimensionality reduction Newton method was used to solve model.
The application of newton's method of interpolation and its error estimation in the analysis of plate cam profiles.
The branch of astronomy concerned with the application of Newton's laws of motion to the motions of heavenly bodies.
Here we have plotted the basins of attraction for the three cubic roots of unity under iterations using Newton's method.
It was in Newton's case, as in every other, only by diligent application and perseverance that his great reputation was achieved.

单词 newton 释义

  • 单词释义:n. <物>牛顿(力的单位)  [更多..]



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