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单词 noise 例句大全,用单词noise造句:

Analysis on Grinding Process of Input Shaft That Caused Abnormal Noise in Forklift Transmission
The loudness of the noise and the length of the noise have been used as measures of aggression.
An example would be noise where engines can be muffled thus reducing noise a noticeable amount.
例如, 发动机可以加以消音从而大大减少机器的噪音。
Once the blackout happens , the noise from the generator is instead of the noise from moto bike.
一到停电的当口, 发电机的嘈杂就代替了摩托车的嘈杂。
The influence of leakage noise on the noise drops efficiency of elevated structure noise barrier
Noise from industrial or commercial activities is controlled by means of Noise Abatement Notices.
Noise abatement in town planning calculation methods acoustic orientation values in town planning.
Sensitivity Analysis of the Noise Response in Cab Lined With Sound Absorbing Materials on the Panel
Noise reduction optimization is the kernel and the difficult aspect of tread pattern noise control.
This can further prevent erroneous correction of vertical streak noise which is sensitive to noise.
The noise from injection and bubbling has the character of wide frequency band and high noise level.
Dithering, which adds white noise to the input analog signals, may used to reduce quantization noise.
在输入模拟信号中加入白噪声, 即抖动, 可以降低量化噪声。
Confirmation of the Equivalent Frequency in Designing the Noise Abatement of Passenger Dedicated Lines
In the arrangement described herein the quantisation noise and the thermal noise are reduced together.
Experimental research of noise control in the fighter cockpit using microperforated panel absorber structure
The AC noise will not affect capacitors other performances. Mucilaginous polyisobutylene can absorb AC noise.
Optimal Estimation of Measurement Noise for Systems with Relevant Multiplicative Noise in Observation Channels
This formula has been applied to determine the available noise temperature of the thermal noise standard source.
This is a pity, because noise abatement really is a good cause, and it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be
这是件憾事, 因为减少
For the key, some are too hard to press and have aloud noise like cluck, the other issofter and have a little noise.
有的声音较小, 按键较软。
A Noise Emission Label will be issued if EPD is satisfied that the relevant noise emission standard has been complied with.
若环保署信纳有关设备的噪音合乎标准, 便会签发噪音标签。
Sound insulation prevents noise. The hollow glass of inclined housetop scuttle can be blocked go noise of 30 decibel above.
Wholly reducing bus interior noise level needs to consider multi paths by which several noise sources radiate sound into the bus.
In the air blower and the blade carrier installs air noise reduce and absorption material, the movement noise is lower than 75 decibels.
风机风箱, 风刀室内安装降噪音, 吸音材料, 运行噪音低于75分贝。
It was required to analyze the image characteristics, to measure and calculate signal to noise ratio of the lung parenchyma and the muscle of thoracic wall individually, the contrast and contrast to noise ratio between the lung and the muscle of the thoracic wall.

单词 noise 释义

  • 单词释义:噪音;喧闹声;响声;言语;干扰信息  [更多..]



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