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单词 nodding 例句大全,用单词nodding造句:

And there is Master Brackett, the old jailer, nodding and smiling at me.
B woman who can't forgive should never have a nodding acquaintance a man.
Denis had settled comfortably into an armchair and was quietly nodding off.
丹尼斯舒适地躺在扶手椅上, 不声不响地睡着了。
In the United States, for example, nodding your head up and down means yes.
His head kept nodding and his eyes kept closing, but now he dared not sleep.
I managed to make my mind a bland, even nodding off for a moment at one point.
我设法使脑子休息一会, 甚至小睡了一会儿。
My nodding was the cue for us to begin. But she only smiled back at me innocently.
A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance a man.
Whenever he speaks, he has a way of nodding and rolling his head about, which is cute.
他读书的时候摇头晃脑的, 好可爱。
When you don't understand what he's saying, just fake it by nodding and smiling a lot.
你不知道他在说什么时, 只要点头装懂多笑一点就好了。
Any liliaceous plant of the genus Fritillaria having nodding variously colored flowers.
A woman who can't forgive should never have more than a nodding acquaintance with a man.
I have only a nodding acquaintance with him. or He and I are only nodding acquaintances.
Just as you are nodding off, you can feel as though youve fallen off a 10storey building.
就像你在打瞌睡的时候, 会感觉仿佛从10楼坠下一样。
With me, the noonday nap is often rather a hovering and nodding on the borders of sleep than sleep itself.
They talked for several minutes, frederick smiling broadly and nodding his head vigorously every so often.

单词 nodding 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.点头的,低垂的,昏昏欲睡的  [更多..]



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