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单词 necessarily 例句大全,用单词necessarily造句:

Paying excessive attention to wording doesn't necessarily produce a good essay.
An ability to raise money does not necessarily signify an ability to make money.
有筹钱的能力, 并不一定意味着有赚钱的能力。
Meaning, the artistic director doesn't necessarily need to go through our lobby.
就是说,艺术指导 不一定非要经过大厅。
Elections alone do not necessarily improve the allocation of public expenditures.
Membership in the WTO is not costfree , nor necessarily easy to attain , however.
When I say the season has felt aimless, I dont necessarily mean it as a criticism.
Traditionalism does not necessarily mean a slavish adherence to things of the past.
Party affiliation does not necessarily predict which candidate a voter will choose.
But archives exist because there's something that can't necessarily be articulated.
但这档案存在的意义在于 有些无法用言语叙述的东西
All this is not necessarily an argument for the reintroduction of smallpox vaccine.
You can't sneak up teams anymore, and that's not necessarily something that we want.
In developed country, inverter power supplies are absolutely necessarily in every car.
You're not necessarily concerned with maintaining a specific airspeed in cruise flight.
the same coul dnot necessarily be said for Paladins should a snap aggro ability be added.
Nor does it mean that this darkening outlook on life is necessarily going to afflict you.
The personality is necessarily strong, otherwise will annihilation in. mon justification.
这种个性必然是强烈的, 否则将湮没于共性的芸芸众生。
You will attract someone however who wants to move fast but not necessarily stick around.
你会吸引某人, 但是他却走的很快, 并不会逗留太久。
It would be a mistake to say that happiness necessarily springs from the absurd discovery.
若说幸福必然产自荒谬的发现, 那必是大错。
Combination of years of darkness not necessarily assumed a posture of the second child, ah!
Some people argue that the death penalty does not necessarily reduce the number of murders.
They develop several of these alternative techniques that we did not approve of necessarily.
But such hotel more than 1,the management of the company also is afterwards hard necessarily.
He did not necessarily have any specific associations with the Walt Disney brand or any other.
The first people to apologize, is not necessarily wrong to her, but she learned to understand.
最先道歉的人, 不一定就是她错了, 而是她学会理解了。
The reason we like flying Southwest Airlines is not because they necessarily hire better people.
我们喜欢乘坐西南航空 不是因为它有更好的雇员

单词 necessarily 释义

  • 单词释义:必要地;不可避免地  [更多..]



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