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单词 nebula 例句大全,用单词nebula造句:

Explanation The center of the Lagoon Nebula is a whirlwind of spectacular star formation.
Our own sun will blossom into a planetary nebula when it dies in about five billion years.
Instead the nebula glows with light from hydrogen gas being charged by the stars'radiation.
On the far right, the North America Nebula is visible just under the very bright star Deneb.
影像右方, 明亮的天津四下边可以看到北美洲星云。
But a few grains have survived from the primitive nebula that the solar system condensed from.
The nebula was the first astronomical object identified with a historical supernova explosion.
Right to the crux is the Eta Carina Nebula, one of the most beautiful nebula in the night sky.
The top of the Keyhole Nebula, the most prominent feature embedded inside Carina, is on the left.
Star formation continues in the Lagoon Nebula as witnessed by the many globules that exist there.
The Rosette Nebula itself, and its massive cluster of stars, is located to the right of the picture.
In brilliant blue, this is the pulsar wind nebula of the Crab Nebula in the constellation of Taurus.
The general shape of the average nebula is that of a thin circular disk somewhat thick in the center.
The Red Rectangle nebula lies about 2, 300 light years away towards the constellation of the Unicorn.
红色矩形星云2300光年远, 在麒麟座。
The more intricate the design of the nebula, the better chance an individual has of attracting a mate.
越是复杂的星云, 就代表著有更好的机会吸引伴侣。
The masterpiece shows the Orion nebula in an explosion of infrared, ultraviolet, and visiblelight colors.
该杰作展示了猎户座星云在红外, 外和可见光的色彩爆发。
The Pipe Nebula is part of the Ophiuchus dark cloud complex located at a distance of about 450 lightyears.
Today, the Crab Nebula is still expanding and it will eventually dissolve in the interstellar gas cloud nearby.
As we have discussed in the last chapter, the density of a nebula is very low. And it contains mostly hydrogen.
如上一章所述, 这些星际云密度很低, 成分主要是氢。
This color view of the Cocoon Nebula traces remarkably subtle features within and surrounding the dusty stellar nursery.

单词 nebula 释义

  • 单词释义:星云;星云状的星系  [更多..]



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