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单词 nationality 例句大全,用单词nationality造句:

The Zhuang nationality and the Thai nationality are both the descendants of the ancient Baiyue nationality.
It is a debatable issue in academic circles whether the Han nationality had epic in its early stage of history.
Anthropological Study on the Craniofacial Characteristics of Juveniles of Sibo Nationality in Liaoning Province
It is further envisaged that accused might engage, or be assigned, counsel who are not of Cambodian nationality.
Therefore, we attempt to construct integration mechanism of nationality problems during social differentiation.
The Division of Hakesi Nationality Tribes and the Origin of Kirkiz Nationality Surnames in Heilongjiang Province.
On the Bilingual Process of Donggan Nationality in Central Asia and the Formation of Their National Linguistic View
The religion of Yao Nationality is polytheism, and King Pan is the ancestor, and they especially worship the Pan Hu.
瑶族信仰多神教, 盘王是其祖先, 尤其信奉盘瓠。
On the Cultural Attribute and Function of the Festive Systems of the Farming Sacrificial Rites in Zhuang Nationality.
A Suppliers letter attesting that the name and nationality of the carrying vessel have been approved by the Purchaser.
Butter sculpture is a unique artistic form of the Zang nationality, the sculptural flowers and birds are true to life.
The production design showing originality, the character shaping is vivid, with the dense nationality amorous feedings.
产品设计独具匠心, 人物造型栩栩如生, 民族风情浓郁。
Music is one of significant indications that ancestors of Yi nationality enter into the history of humans civilization.
Anatomic characteristics of hard tissue of permanent anterior teeth of the Han nationality in Liaoning province in China
The Military System Banner under the System of Appointing National Minority Hereditary Headsman of the Tujia Nationality
The first time I saw a mattock of the Uygur nationality, I thought it quite similar to a pickaxe of the Han nationality.
The criterion of effective nationality is applied in cases of conflict of nationalities arising from multiple nationality.
Somatotype characteristics of rural adults of Han nationality in the west of Liaoning province by Heath Carter anthropometry
The clinical study of coronary artery lesion between Han nationality and Uygur nationality patients with myocardial infarction
On the Reclamation Policy of Attracting People and the Exploitation of Northeast by the Han Nationality People in Early Qing Dynasty
Determined fighting against nationality discrimination, big nationalism and narrow nationalism, Every nationality has the ability.
The medicinal effects features of wine using in ancient medical books of Yi nationality were analyzed and discussed by making examples.
A Comparative Study on the Classification of Basic Color Terms by Undergraduates from Yi Nationality, Bai Nationality and Naxi Nationality
In addition, in accordance to the Regulation of Phonetic Transcription in Hanyu Pinyin Letters of Place Names in Minority Nationality Languages
The same possibility will be introduced for Luxemburg citizens residing abroad and desiring to acquire the nationality of their country of residence.

单词 nationality 释义

  • 单词释义:国籍;(构成国家一部分的)民族  [更多..]



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