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单词 name 例句大全,用单词name造句:

The name of the class is the same as the name of the file.
My name's Buff, 'the man said.'What's your name, sweetheart?
我叫牛子, 这男人说。你叫什么, 亲爱的?
Note that this name must be the name of a column in the table.
请注意, 此名称必须是列在表中的名称。
DD Constructs a new attribute name using the given string name.
check that the buyer's name matches the name on the credit card
A type defined by class.The name of the type is the class name.
A type defined by class. The name of the type is the class name.
由类所定义得类型, 类型名就是类名。
Type a macro name, such as open dialog, in the macro name column.
Ben people walk no change name, sit no change xing, big name ding.
本人行不改名, 坐不改姓, 大名鼎鼎, 呼风唤雨。
In Christian countries Christian name is often used for first name.
在基督教国家中, 常以教名为名。
An authoritative name error indicating that the name does not exist.
一个权威域名错误, 指出当前查询的名字不存在。
What's in a name ?Well, when your name is James Bond, there's a lot.
名字里有何意义?如果你是詹姆斯邦德, 名字的意义可就大了。
The original name of Caoyu is Wanjiabao. Caoyu is just his pen name.
Maybe the same name as Bill Clinton. But I don't know his full name.
Note that links require the file name in addition to the anchor name.
Including your name, unit name can be arbitrary key word out of four.
A value name can appear only once, please choose a different key name.
一个值名只能出现一次, 请选择另一个键名。
The name of one of the girls was Ann; the name of the other was Fatima.
Palindrome Name a name that is spelled the same forwards and backwards.
Okay, your real name isnt asshole, is it Its not like your middle name.
The first name is the generic name and the second is the specific name.
Click on share this printer and type a short name in the share name box.
If the name contains spaces, enclose the adaptor name in quotation marks.
如果名称包含空格, 可以使用双引号括住适配器名称。
In ancient times, one gets a secondary name apart from his official name.
Capitalize the first letter of other elements name to be the header name.

单词 name 释义

  • 单词释义:名字;名声;名人  [更多..]



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