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单词 narrowly 例句大全,用单词narrowly造句:

Gore narrowly lost the2000 presidential election to George W.Bush.
Herbs perennial. Roots tuberous, carrotshaped to narrowly conical.
Gore narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush.
It is easy to view competition too narrowly and too pessimistically.
rachis glabrous proximal bracts leaflike, distal ones narrowly oblong.
轴无毛叶状的下部苞片, 上部的狭长圆形。
But those restrictions should be compelling and very narrowly defined.
Leaves generally narrowly elliptical to ovate, not hastate or sagittate.
叶一般狭椭圆形到卵形, 不戟形或箭头形。
Several times the small band of socialists narrowly escaped being mobbed.
They're making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.
We should not narrowly define our competition as Apple, Sony or Microsoft.
In the past, we too often defined our relationship with Pakistan narrowly.
Stigma head narrowly conical, usually just exserted from anther appendages.
柱头头状花序狭圆锥状, 从花药附属物通常只不过外露。
Style filiformpistil head narrowly oblong or fusiform, apex shortly 2cleft.
花柱丝状短的雌蕊头状花序狭长圆形或者纺锤形, 先端2半裂。
Petals yellowish, oblong, with an elongate narrowly inflexed apex, glabrous.
花瓣淡黄, 长方形, 有拉长狭内折的顶, 无毛。
abaxial surfaces convex, crustaceous, narrowly ribbed around margin, sessile.
lateral teeth triangularlanceolate, anterior teeth narrowly oblonglanceolate.
侧的齿三角状披针形, 前面的齿披针形狭长圆形。
A team member fell into the volcanic lake and narrowly escaped to be drowned.
一名队员跌入火山湖中, 差点被淹死。
Sepals narrowly oblong, ascending, pubescent, base of lateral pair subsaccate.
萼片狭长圆形, 上升, 短柔毛, 侧的对近囊状的基部。
Between Montreal and new york, or more narrowly, between toylestown and blake.
The valley they had narrowly escaped was filled with clouds of thick darkness.
You also don't want to be too narrowly defined by what other people have done.
Leaves deeply divided, lobes oblong lanceolate or narrowly elliptic lanceolate.
叶深裂, 裂片长圆状披针形披针形或狭椭圆形。
proximal bracts leaflike, distal ones elliptic or lanceolate to narrowly linear.
叶状的下部苞片, 上部的椭圆形或披针形到狭线形。
Engineers have been accused of having an outlook which is too narrowly technical.
Leaves narrowly elliptic or ovatelanceolate, apex short acuminate, base attenuate.
披针形叶狭椭圆形或卵形, 先端短使尖锐, 基部渐狭。

单词 narrowly 释义

  • 单词释义:狭窄地;勉强地;严密地;仔细地  [更多..]



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