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单词 music 例句大全,用单词music造句:

Open music big to let the voice surround combine companion write music release a song larynx.
Art song, a kind of vocal music genre, is the quintessence of Luo Zhongrong's music creation.
The poetry is Prosperous because of music, and it is declining because of separated from music.
诗歌因与乐合而兴, 又因与乐离而衰。
The music of the pearl had merged with the music of the family so that one beautified the other.
The chamber music should be a course in the music education in teachers colleges and universities
Schubert was born in the alternated era which classical music the birth of the romantically music.
Rock music appeals to Sandy so much that she ignored her fathers objection and turned the music up.
It had to do with listening to classical music, specifically Mozarts music, right before taking a test.
在考试之前, 人们需要听古典音乐, 尤其是莫扎特音乐。
What else can be done on the part of the music broadcasting industry and music boradcasters of the new century?
Has been invited to be the Music Consultant of our Music Centre to help us achieve the highest possible standards.
Enjoying music is the same style as tasting tea, I assure most of people have their own different tastes of music.
International trade fair for musical instruments, music software and computer hardware, sheet music and accessories.
On Refined Style and Popular Style of Music Thought on the Disagreement over Refined Music or Popular Music in History
They called the types of songs which resembled those that the Music Conservatory had collected Music Conservatorysongs.
Diversification of tune in Taoist music was also embodied in its transformation from vocal music into instrumental music.
道教曲牌音乐的多元化, 还表现在它由声乐向器乐的转变。
This home page contains Java and random background midi music, please turn on your sound boxes or earphones to enjoy the music.
This article talks about the research in Late Tang Dynasty court music and the inheritance of the court music from Tang to Liao.
本文是对唐末五代宫廷音乐, 与辽承唐乐的研究。
Cognition of Educational Reform on Music Major in Teachers Colleges from the Standard of Music for Elementary and Secondary School
To what extent do popular music and classical music presuppose different styles of learning What are the implications for music education
For reproduction of the music to simplified music score or translation of the lyrics to other languages, please contact New Heart for prior approval.
若要转制成简谱版或翻译至其他语言, 需先取得新心同意。
I like listening to light music. I have a habit of listening to music while doing my assignment. And it also helps me to have a sweet dream at night.
Her latest solo album has made her famous in the world of popular music. Her latest solo album has made her a big name in the circle of popular music.
Arts and culture are important in Jackson Hole. Each summer, musicians from around the country perform classical music at the Grand Teton Music Festival.
The development and changes of the junior high school music curriculum goals were introduced. Second, the status of the Longxing school music teaching was analyzed.
Born in 1976, Osgood began his musical studies at the Holstebro Music School, after which he attended the Rhythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen from 1997 to 2002.

单词 music 释义



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