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单词 museum 例句大全,用单词museum造句:

The Princess Royal also visited the Imperial Palace Museum on Tuesday afternoon.
Day, the Shanghai World Expo Belgian National Museum of Design announced in this.
当日, 上海世博会比利时国家馆设计方案在此揭晓。
They absolutely will not permit you to photograph any of the art work in the museum.
And right now I have another proposal that your academy can do, which is for Museum.
而现在, 我有另一个提议你的研究院可以做的, 就是博物馆。
The british museum the national museum of archaeology and ethnography in Bloomsbury.
The museum has been very aggressive in adding modern art to its permanent collection.
Enrolment Preregistration is not required, simply purchase a museum admission ticket.
Analysis and Design of Cultural Relic Information Acquisition System for Digital Museum
At present it is some sort of a museum, although it may be confidently called abandoned.
现在它类似一种博物馆, 尽管事实上已经被废弃了。
His work is represented in numerous collections including the Victoria and Albert Museum.
The museum isclosed until further notice, ie until another announcement about it is made.
博物馆现正闭馆, 开馆时间另行通知。
The Opening Exhibition of Museum of France of Fuping International Ceramic Art Museum Complex
MA, Art Museum and Gallery Studies, The Department of Museum Studies, University of Leicester
The most famous ones are the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum.
The museum has developed several kits incorporating visual aids for teaching art in the classroom.
It is said this museum is the first earthquake museum opened public after the Wenchuan earthquake.
In case of exceptional circumstances, such as equipment maintenance, the museum will advance notice.
Corrosion Losses Occurred in the Statue Hall of Chengdu Museum for The Ancestral Temple of Marquis Wu
Warring States and Western Han Lacquer Wares Unearthed in Hubei and Recently Acquired by the Palace Museum
Many interesting exhibition centers are also here, including the Wood Carving Museum and Hundred Bed Museum.
The replica of an Allosaurus fragilis dinosaur is seen 10 July 2005 at the Museum of Natural History in Berlin.
Anchor of HMS Timar outside the Brennan Torpedo Station of Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong.
添马舰船锚, 香港筲箕湾海防博物馆布伦南鱼雷发射站外。
Accurately reflected the theme of the memorial museum and emphasized on the creation of the place and the artistic feeling.
Considerations about Lifting the Exhibiting and Teaching Effect of the Science Museum from the Angle of the Propagation Science
Kenyan ethnographer Kiprop Lagat, its curator, spent six months at the British Museum, going through the East African collection, 12,000 objects, piece by piece.

单词 museum 释义



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