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单词 mush 例句大全,用单词mush造句:

The Experiment on Innovation of Traditional Process of Pickling Mush Melon
Linda Dont you know if you watch too much TV, your brain will turn to mush.
I was entirely without friends, nay, even so mush as without acquaintances.
The total amount mush be paid in full upon receipt of the shipping documents.
一收到货运单据, 货款必须全数一次付清。
separating the crystal mush to obtain the monohydrate manganous sulfate crystals.
In the past ten years he has accumulated mush design and administration experience.
Welcome to the Arena, where highranking warriors are transformed into spineless mush.
欢迎到舞台上, 而高级武士转化难对付得多。
And actually, three bowls of mush are equal to one bowl of rice, then how about gruel
而实际上, 吃三碗浓粥才能相当于一碗米饭, 那么不浓的粥呢?
We thank our new and old customers continuously support and kindness to us very mush.
Since entering university, your living expenses by you mush almost completely to pay.
Rules for the recreational facilities mush be followed for your own health and safety.
Students mush finished their homework assigned by the teacher before their go to class.
Normativity and impartiality are the indispensable points that the editors mush observe.
If you take beans, like Navy beans, cook them for four to six hours, theyre mush refried beans.
如果你把菜豆煮46个小时, 就变成豆糊了。
To facilitate the extension of sales, you mush advertise our products by mean of TV and newspapers.
为了扩大销售, 你方必须电视和报纸对我们的产品做广告。
Methods Adopting transabdominal preperitoneal repair, threepointsuturing method was used to practice the mush.
Observation of cleaning effect of calcium hydroxide mush on human root canal wall by scanning electron microscope

单词 mush 释义

  • 单词释义:软而稠的混合物或块,糊状物,玉米粥;脆弱的感情,感伤的话;胆怯  [更多..]



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