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单词 navigate 例句大全,用单词navigate造句:

component enables you to navigate and manipulate data , in coordination with a.
The contextual gadget is overlaid to help navigate the unstructured information.
We've also changed the way you navigate using the Back and Forward arrow buttons.
We have the power to navigate, to choose direction and make our passage together.
我们可以驾船航行, 选择方向, 同舟共济。
Those of you who use your brains to navigate these challenges, put your hands down.
你们用大脑去克服挑战的人 放下你们的手。
Larger ships will be able to navigate the river after the main channel is deepened.
In the Open dialog box, navigate to the directory where the firmware was downloaded.
But we have the power to navigate, to choose direction and make our passage together.
但是我们可以驾船航行, 选择方向, 同舟共济。
Competitors navigate a rope course during the Tough Guy Challenge on January 31, 2010.
I am currently trying to navigate through a whole stack of information on the subject.
Navigate to the desired folder, and select the artifact that you would like to link to.
A navigator should be available to navigate from document to another in the same folder.
Undue reliance should not be placed upon the data of charted depth. Navigate with caution.
海图上水深数据不可过分依赖, 航行时应格外小心谨慎。
And we still possess the fear and the courage and the aggression required to navigate those times.
我们仍拥有恐惧和勇气 以及掌控这个时代所需要的野心
Exam boards navigate between losing the trust of universities and losing the patronage of schools.
Methods navigate down and up the navigation stack, respectively, by the required number of entries.
This notice shall not exonerate the captain from his duty to navigate with a safe speed at any time.
Description This charm allows the spellcaster to levitate an object and navigate it through the air.
该咒语允许施咒者使一物体漂浮, 并且操纵它于空中。
The blind guiding robot is a novel device designed to help blind or visually impaired users navigate safely.
The most important issue of solving self navigate problem for a stratosphere airship is flight path programming.
Within the master document, navigate to the page of the subdocument on which you inserted the crossreference field.
在主控文档里, 浏览到插入引用字段的子文档页面。
But we all have brains that allow us, that activate to allow us to navigate the journey through these challenges. Okay?
但是我们都有大脑 大脑让我们能够 在挑战中摸索前进。
According to a legend, Vikings were able to navigate in an ocean even during overcast weather using tourmaline crystals.
I was able to browse and navigate pages without much trouble. The panning is still a little bit sluggish, but its actually usable now.
Drivers in the near future will navigate from their home to the nearest freeway entrance ramp, at which point the collision-detection computer will take over.

单词 navigate 释义

  • 单词释义:导航,确定路线;航行,航海;小心翼翼地绕过(障碍);驾驭,成功应付(困难处境)  [更多..]



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