Its the very foundation of innovation by casting off politics and mundane affairs with an independent spirit.
要有独立精神, 这是创新的思想基础。
It can speed up the ordinary programming process, rescuing you from repeatedly striking the mundane coding pattern.
他能搞提高编程速度, 从繁琐的代码书写中解救你出来。
Generally speaking, most child labor work for extended periods of time performing mundane jobs in decrepit working conditions.
一般来说, 大多数童工每天在恶劣的条件下长时间工作。
Ordinary people cannot appreciate the joy of mundane life, that's because they do not love life, they've made their lives banal, stuffy, and humdrum.
What that means in essence is that tiny computer chips, though relatively ' dumb ' on their own, can be added to billions of mundane objects and, thereby, yield substantial economic benefits.