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单词 morally 例句大全,用单词morally造句:

Enable every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically
You want to know if it is morally OK to fire someone for being annoying.
你想知道, 因为烦人而解雇一个人是否在道德上说得过去。
Yeah, but it's no fun to argue when only one side is morally defensible.
Dialectical reflection on legitimately and morally administering a country
Fae Do you think the fact that youre homosexual makes you morally bankrupt
It is essential for a teacher tobe both intellectually and morally honest.
Do you think that initiating possibilities is morally and legally acceptable
How can they grow up in this kind of a world without becoming morally corrupt
They believe that cannibalising7 an embryo for cells is morally unacceptable.
他们坚信把一个胚胎拆成细胞, 在道德上无法接受。
The child is developing in every way, morally, intellectually and physically.
Israel supported the objectives of peacekeeping, both financially and morally.
Reflection on the History of the Managing Officials Morally in the Ancient China
And this must start with a generational change morally, ethically, and politically.
help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life
树立正确的价值观, 世界观, 人生观
In the name of patriot, Do you think Five country was morally or legally acceptable?
对于一个爱国的人来说, 你认为五个。
You do not have the authority, legally or morally, to obstruct public communication.
Weed out the morally bankrupt people, no matter how much money they make for the firm.
剔除道德破产的人, 不管多少钱为他们公司。
Since lying is an attempt to deceive, to lie is to attempt to do what is morally wrong.
由于说谎是企图欺骗, 谎言是企图做在道义上是错误的。
The richer we have become materially, the poorer we have become morally and spiritually.
The act of sleeping with one's daughter-in-law is not allowed, neither legally nor morally.
You may be a great painter, but you are morally corrupt. You've contaminated the whole world.
Translation You do not have the authority, legally or morally, to obstruct public communication.
在法律和道德上, 你都没有这个权利去干扰公共交流。
Some ethicists regard the cloning of humans as a morally unjustifiable intrusion into human life.
The fact that Russian feelings of resentment are understandable does not make them morally right.
俄罗斯的怨恨可以理解, 但并不合乎道德。
The Obama camp says the super delegates are morally obliged not to overturn the will of the people.

单词 morally 释义

  • 单词释义:道德上,有道德地;确实地  [更多..]



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