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单词 moore 例句大全,用单词moore造句:

Miss Moore was a woman of steady deportment, without the least levity of conversation or carriage.
Leading poets have included Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, and Robert Lowell.
Determination of the Threshold Temperature and Effective Amassing Temperature of Naranga aenescens Moore
For instance, I like to watch movies played by Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Demi Moore orMeg Ryan.
A Comparison of the Antimicrobial Function of Both Extracts to Bacterium Between Bamboo Leaves and Artemisia Anomala S. Moore
竹叶, 六月霜提取物抑菌作用比较研究
Strategy, power and negotiation social control and expatriate managers in a German multinational corporation By Moore, Fiona.
策略, 授权及谈判社会控制与德国跨国公司的外派经理人。
This week in Kenner, La., J'Marie Moore, 39, the daughter of former light-heavyweight champ Archie Moore, will box on the first all-women's card to be shown live over the Internet.

单词 moore 释义



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