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单词 monster 例句大全,用单词monster造句:

Remember, Amir agha. There is no monster, just a beautiful day.
记住, 阿米尔少爷, 没有鬼怪, 只是个好日子。
I was going to superimpose or matte in a monster over the actor.
Eventually the monster agreed to follow the Five Training Steps.
Monster help Aladdin home and help him and the princess married.
My hair will grow again, but my teeth, Ah, what a monster of a man!
头发可以生出来, 但是牙齿, 呀, 那个人妖!
Then she left the cow to the care of a hundred eyed monster, Argus.
Beholders use this ray in the same manner as the charm monster ray.
The gun assembles a monster, these knock you can know several kinds ?
怪枪汇总, 这些枪你能认识几种?
Another attraction here is a legendary monster the Loch Ness Monster.
There was an ash tree in the forest which was thought to be a monster.
When the monster popped out from the bean bags, I threw a ball at him!
Frankenstein bosom anger created by the pursuit of his demonic monster.
This monster can spit and hit you, turn into a bat and teleport himself.
这个怪兽拥有喷吐和击打攻击, 变成蝙蝠和心灵传输技能。
I hope you ride my bike without a helmet and get hit by a monster truck.
She helped him defeat the black monster and finally acquired the cassock.
在菩萨的帮助下, 孙悟空制服了黑熊怪, 并最终要回了袈裟。
It is the stereotyped monster of the horror films and the adventure books.
So he climbed up the chaser of America, to make the large monster die out.
Then he put a poison arrow in his bow and shot It'straight at the monster.
而后王子将毒箭放在弓上, 对直朝怪物射去。
This design is an abbreviated form of a complex figure with a monster face.
Bag monster sapphire monster having entering sand arc paradise in where box?
Attack with a monster. Each monster in face Attack Position can attack once.
Don't frown anymore, Ziying. Are you still about the Monster Realm's coming ?
紫英你别皱眉头了, 是不是担心妖界得事?
The big old monster greedily accepted my dime,and I heard the bottles shift.
Monster bonuses that affect their attack damage are listed in the table below.
But the monster in the appearance, must swallow one by one soldier of fortune.
而怪物又在出现, 要将雇佣兵逐一吞噬。

单词 monster 释义

  • 单词释义:巨大的,庞大的;(建筑物)巍峨的  [更多..]



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