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单词 much 例句大全,用单词much造句:

Always remember how much you wanted to be loved, And how much you are loved.
永远记住你多么需要爱 还有你所拥有的一切爱。
Too much of the stifles personality, and too much of the latter breeds vice.
所以, 严与慈的尺度很难把握, 过严压抑个性, 过慈助长恶习。
He's too much concern with number one to have much concern for other people.
How much can be credited to innate talent and how much to intensive training
Thank you very much, Dennis. I feel so much better just having blown this off.
Much more circumspect in our service, and much more empressement of our smile.
MUFF Faults Too much ankle feathering, too much or too little toe feathering.
She stands out so much less than her sister, a shadow of someone much stronger.
It became much harder for them to socialize, much harder for them to cooperate.
So as bad as all that is, things are going to get much worse, much, much worse.
整个情况如此糟糕,而且将会 每况愈下
He would chuck as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would.
Yet others do not think much of their college life, thus do not benefit as much.
Then he take outed how much can be packed by many coin, his pocket pack how much.
然后他就取出了许多铜板, 他的衣袋能装多少就装多少。
It was amazing that a man who had known so much sorrow could radiate so much life.
There is so much waterin the Atlantic thatit is hard to imagine how much there is.
Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.
多观察, 多磨砺, 多研究, 是治学三支柱。
How much interoperability is enough, or too much, is impossible to know in advance.
要多少互操作性才算够, 这无法预先知道。
You can say that. Its amazing how much she works, never does much of anything else.
People who suffer from avarice spend much less and save much more than they should.
How much, even if convert bankrupt, at a time you cure nice she, how much all work!
I only can say thank You very much to Master and God for having blessed me so much.
In cognitive illusion it's much, much harder to demonstrate to people the mistakes.
How much does it cost to rent a car How much does it cost to repair a pair of shoes
Much like you talked about being a smaller movie, we're very much a challenger brand.
就像你说到的小成本电影一样 我们是一个刚起步的品牌
An education isnt how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know.

单词 much 释义

  • 单词释义:非常;差不多;很多地;很大程度上  [更多..]



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