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单词 month 例句大全,用单词month造句:

It is estimated to do IPO by the end of the month and put on list next month
No more will people struggle from month to month to live on an insecure wage.
Is be being returned from this month next month begins plan carry depreciation?
When overridden in a derived class, determines whether a month is a leap month.
Yeah, I can't wait. This month has definitely been the busiest month in my life.
是啊, 我都等不及了。这一定是我一生中最忙的一个月。
This lunar month has only 29 days. It is not a Dajin (a lunar month of 30 days).
As I mentioned earlier,this past month has been a very much business as usual month.
Tangerine of month in and month out also is hybrid strain, see more at Fujian south.
He then returned home, only to be forced to abdicate by the communists a month later.
回到家, 一个月后, 他被共产党强迫退位。
You don't have to keep on with your commitments month after month and year after year.
It is the month of charity, and a month in which a believer's sustenance is increased.
Mr Abe drew international condemnation earlier this month when he made a similar claim.
安倍本月早些时候提出类似主张, 遭到国际社会谴责。
I come last month official holiday passes, this month abdomen bilge, be pregnant likely
我上个月来例假过, 这个月肚子胀胀的, 有可能怀孕吗?
Disabled adults attend during one month. Disabled children attend during another month.
残疾的成年人在此度假一个月, 残疾儿童则度假另一个月。
I did not make both ends meet last month, so i have to tighten my belt from this month.
Rents are normally payable one month in advance, usually on the first day of each month.
In addition to the Huanshuai last month, this month, the companies will have more action.
Following payments are due on the anniversary date of the month for that month's service.
For the deposit made before the 5th of the month,interest will be allowed for that month.
In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight is the Lords Passover.
In the seventh month, in the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested on Mount Ararat.
七月十七日, 方舟停在阿辣辣特山上。
Since this year month in and month out of the amount that imports timber, breed increases.
For the deposit made before the 3th of the month, interest will be allowed for that month.
He said that the decline in the company's sales last month was just a temporary aberration.
Forthcoming month classics when the 1 st day of abdomen is particularly painful,how should do

单词 month 释义

  • 单词释义:月,月份;一个月的时间  [更多..]



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