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单词 montana 例句大全,用单词montana造句:

Yuan Xing Energy of the assets of 280 million tons a Montana coal mine shares.
asked Montana Slim, gesturing to him, the buddy of the men, in this lions den.
向他示意问道, 人们的好友, 在这狮子的巢穴。
Kenneth Dial of the University of Montana carried out a series of experiments.
Bones of the Tyrannosaurus Rex have been found in the United States in Montana.
Buyers from around the country came to Columbus for the chance to purchase Montana furs.
Tony Montana's empire is crumbling, we must face the situation! They want to play dirty ?
汤尼得黑道帝国正在崩溃, 你一定要搞清楚状况!
He also looks like someone who could have been a cowboy in Montana, which is almost what happened.
他也像是生活在蒙大拿的牛仔, 这差点也实现了。
Last Friday night, an oil pipeline broke under the Yellowstone River in the western state of Montana.
Different methods of coating play obviously different effects on the germination percentages of Aleurites Montana seeds.

单词 montana 释义

  • 单词释义:n.蒙大纳(美国州名)  [更多..]



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