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单词 monkey 例句大全,用单词monkey造句:

Small monkey this just knows oneself is greedy and ascended small crocodile of be.
小猴子这才知道自己嘴馋, 上了小鳄鱼的当。
Method All kinds of monkey hernia were diagnosed and actualized surgical operation.
Arboreal monkey of tropical America with long slender legs and long prehensile tail.
arboreal monkey of western and central Africa with long silky fur and reduced thumbs.
西非和中非的树栖猴子, 毛软而长, 趾短。
One of these targets would give the monkey advance information about its future reward.
The monkey recognized that whatever she did with her arm, this prosthetic arm would do.
猴子意识到无论她用手做什么, 那假肢也会做什么。
A park ranger shoots a monkey hanging from a branch of a tree with a tranquilizing dart.
small slender African monkey having long hind limbs and tail and long hair around the face
Damage mechanism of free radical in experimental cerebral arteriosclerosis in rhesus monkey
Establishment of local cerebral ischemia animal models in monkey by autologous pale thrombus
Small arboreal monkey of tropical South America with long hair and bushy nonprehensile tail.
南美洲热带树栖的小猴, 毛长, 尾巴毛密且不宜盘卷。
A Study on Effect of Processing of Waste Water from Rhesus Monkey Farm by Active Sludge Method
For the next 10 years, we entertain our grandchildren by making monkey faces and monkey tricks.
The vessels of cerebellar cortex in the monkey directly originated from pial arteries and veins.
a monkey of southcentral Asia, having a glossy black coat and a ruff of gray hair about the face
亚洲中南部一种猴, 体表黑色且有光泽, 脸部有灰色绉颌
For the next ten years, we entertain our grandchildren by making monkey faces and monkey tricks.
Compared to Assamese macaques, the golden monkey and rhesus macaques devoted more time to grooming.
Establishment of Animal Model with Metrorrhagia Induced by Endometritis in Experimental Rhesus monkey
Meanwhile, the Monkey King had stayed awake due to his suspicions of the evil intentions of the abbot.
Old World monkeys guenon baboon colobus monkey langur macaque mandrill mangabey patas proboscis monkey.
Through a aboil controversy, Representative Monkey finally was voted as new president of Animal Republic.
After having made arrangements for his master, Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan.
Observation on Hemogram of the Peripheral Blood in Rhesus monkey and Cynomolgus monkey Infected with SIVmac
感染食蟹猴, 恒河猴的外周血血象观察
A Study on the Sources of the Figurines of the Monkey on Horseback and the Monkey on Camelback Unearthed from Yotkan, Khotan
We also offer many hip hop clothings such as Bape, ed hardy, artful dodger, CLH, , red monkey, Evisu, Christian audigier, gino green global brands ect.

单词 monkey 释义

  • 单词释义:猴;猿;淘气鬼;小淘气  [更多..]



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