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单词 mph 例句大全,用单词mph造句:

He throws a 95 mph sinker, digs Snoop Dogg and always plays it cool.
With that hyperpotent racing fuel, riders can do 60 mph in 0.7 Seconds.
与超烈性燃料赛车, 车手可以做60英里, 在0。7秒的时间。
Brisk Walking Walking at the rate of about 4 mph with energetic arm motion.
快走用力摆动双臂行走, 速度约为每小时4英里。
With winds of 80 mph, hurricane Isidore is nearing the western tip of Cuba.
Komodo dragons have been clocked at 13 mph over short distances in the wild.
Walking at a speed of3.5 mph, hiking, carrying16 pounds of load up the stairs.
A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 mph.
Walking at a speed of 3.5 mph, hiking, carrying 16 pounds of load up the stairs.
以每小时3。5哩速度步行, 消郊游, 携带16磅物件慢速上楼梯。
This should allow the all wheel drive limo to reach a top speed of about 200 mph.
In the case of this snarling Chevy coupe, that would be an official top speed of 205 mph.
Vehicles loaded to the maximum capacity should not be driven at continuous speeds above 73 mph.
Flying along at about 38, 000 mph, Voyager 1 is continuing its beeline toward interstellar space.
The 30 mph limit is held in contempt by many drivers and abused by nearly all drivers some of the time.
The administration issued its highest alert yet this year due to the storm, which was packing winds of102 mph.

单词 mph 释义

  • 单词释义:n.miles per hour,时速(每小时所行驶之英里数)  [更多..]



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