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单词 mouthful 例句大全,用单词mouthful造句:

There are many kinds of glory. He upended the butt for another frothy mouthful.
From then on,she never took another life or ate another mouthful of animal flesh.
We like to have different texture, bite and flavour combination with each mouthful.
我们喜欢每一口都是不同质感, 嚼劲和香味的混合。
A good measure of how fast you should eat is to count 10 seconds between each mouthful.
He ate a fruit jelly and then a mouthful of me, for all the world like a cannibal chief.
Said to strongly kiss an one mouthful above her lip, started to shut eyes to nap elapse.
A meal should be eaten mouthful by mouthful, and English should be practiced day by day.
country situation which the ministries and commissions belong to a mouthful of management
The article one mouthful fragrant, let the light cello song, such as tassels, fill the air.
These Chinese Peoples Volunteers ate a mouthful of fried noodles , with a mouthful of snow.
这些志愿军战士吃一口炒面, 就一口雪。
Every street is a stick of chewing gum chew it repeatedly, but dont eat it up at a mouthful.
Knock off a schooner of beer He scooped up some water with his hands and took a big mouthful.
The son Xuan cloud big wag drank one mouthful tea, obviously was the blueprint that didnt promise.
子轩云涛喝了一口茶, 显然是没有要答应的打算。
I found him holding the bottle and showing off a mouthful of shinning teeth against the dark night.
No one dared provoke fourth Master Liu so the only thing to do was eat an extra mouthful of his food.
Dont try to be funny by playing thirty seconds of your favorite song or talk with a mouthful of food.
With an effort the patient ate some gruel. or The patient forced himself to take a few mouthful of gruel.
Gold farmland one Geng helped to swallow an one mouthful saliva after, emotion also the town settle many.
With each of us enjoying our platter of delicious jellies one mouthful at a time, suddenly we broke out in laughter.
我们一人一口地分享着这盘美味果冻, 突然笑起来。
Wu Yi any lightly blew one mouthful peppery air along the side of the other celebration ear and played deceive a way.
吴一凡在对方耳旁轻轻吹了一口热气, 开玩笑道。
Not understand that till forty years later Rice should be mouthful eaten, and things should be done little by little.
His scabies scars quickly turned bright red. He flung his jacket on the ground, spat out a mouthful of saliva and said
Mr. Bounderby stayed her, by holding a mouthful of chop in suspension before swallowing it, and putting out his left hand.
There were others eating large rolled up griddle cakes, biting off half in one mouthful so that their necks became distended and red.
When insects bite genetically modified Bt corn and cotton, they get a mouthful of a builtin toxin, produced by every cell of the plant.
她端着盛满了碎玉米的小杯子, 把碎玉米撒向地面。

单词 mouthful 释义

  • 单词释义:一口;满口;<俚>适当[不适当]的批评[暗示]  [更多..]



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