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单词 mousse 例句大全,用单词mousse造句:

Determination of Methanol in Mousse by Using Static Head Air Gas Chromatography
Make the chocolate mousse by simply mixing together the chocolate and the cream.
Heres some shampoo and conditioner, but where are the gel, mousse, and hairspray
这里有洗发水和护发素, 但是发胶, 摩丝, 定型水都在哪里?
The hair mousse comb of the utility model with mousse bottle is convenient to use.
Place one cake on a serving plate and position the mousse ring to enclose the cake.
Cushion of Norwegian salmon with scallop mousse served with sea urchin and green sauce
Decorate the grouper mousse on a plate and sprinkle with tomato salsa and pasto. Serve.
将石斑鱼幕斯摆饰于餐盘内, 淋上蕃茄莎莎及青酱装饰即可。
Ruby with great intensity. Smell of blackcurrant, stewed black fruits, smoked and mousse.
Place the matcha cake circle in the bottom of the mousse ring lined with a cake cardboard.
Brilliant, golden straw yellow with fine bubbles. The mousse is both discreet and persistent.
Unmold the mousse on a plate and spoon sauce around.Garnish with strawberries andor mint leaves.
取出慕斯放在盘里, 勺上汁酱, 用草莓和或薄荷叶装饰。
I just ate my chocolate mousse with a pinch of salt, as you suggested, and its absolutely disgusting!
我照你的建议在巧克力蛋糕里放进去一撮盐, 太难吃了!
Great ruby colour intensity. Smell of blackcurrant, black stewed fruit, prune, musk, mousse and smoked.
A new method to determine the total solid content in hair mousse products is introduced in this article.
Taste sensations.The desert, Amaretto sour mousse with marachino cherry sorbet was sweet sour and sublime.
甜点是意大利苦杏酒酸甜点加樱桃甜酒, 甜酸纯爽。
The desserts at Wilbers are already getting a reputation lemon meringue pie, chocolate mousse, cheese cake.
This chilled mousse on a crushed biscuit base is accented with gold leaf, Louis XVIsoaked prunes and vanillatruffle foam.
甜点以碎饼做底, 放上冷冻慕斯, 衬上金箔叶
But one distinctive difference between them is that Mingxing Styling Mousse contains Chinese herb which can help mend your damaged hair.

单词 mousse 释义

  • 单词释义:奶油冻;(头发)定型摩丝  [更多..]



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